What's wrong with people?



  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    I think you look great. I can understand that for some people the visual change can be too much, but they will get used to it.

    Just reply to them that you feel great and better than you ever felt before and to bugger off! Well done for the amazing transformation.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yep, know what you mean, I have started to get such comments. Those same people never warned me about eating when I was putting on the weight, and that was far more dangerous for my health as I have high blood pressure and had (now OK) high cholesteral. I still weigh 13 lbs more than the maximum weight recommended for my hight but people call me skinny now.

    I think its down to a mix of jealousy, people being comfortable with you looking a certain way and the population in the West now weighs a lot more than it used to so people find it hard to visualise what a healthy weight is.

    Now if asked I say I am concentrating on building muscle and just carry on doing what I do.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    I think when people make comments that arent positive it is generally coming from their envy or jealousy. Ive done it myself too. If someone is genuinley pleased for you they will tell you that youve done well or you look great. When someone is jealous that you have achieved something that they cant get of their fat lazy *kitten* to do then they wont insult you, god no, they will just make a stupid comment like...oh you will waste away.

    If your healthy and happy who cares what they say! :)
  • drsturgill
    drsturgill Posts: 1 Member
    I totally understand, where you are coming from. I have family who keep telling me that I have lost to much.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    haters gon' hate
  • mwapay
    mwapay Posts: 18
    Two reasons:

    A. They are fat and envious of your weight loss.

    B. They are used to seeing you at your former weight and that is their reference for "normal" for you, even if you were overweight. Now you lose some weight and look skinny or sickly to them. Given time with the new you, they will get used to it.

    I got that a lot when I first lost my 30 lbs. Hell, I still get it from people I don't see too often. Don't sweat it.

    i totally agree they are envious of your weight loss..though i have had people tell me your too fat your always gaining iv lost seven kg and am surely not looking the same but thy wont give credit..in the end iv decided am doing this for me its my life,my health my problems if i remain overweight
    so keep going..
  • sparklefire
    sparklefire Posts: 8 Member
    When people tell me not to lose too much weight I say "Theres no fear of that!" Cuz I have a LONG way to go. I think thats awful tho... like people who have told me my whole life how much I look like a pig are now afraid that I'm going to be an "unhealthy" skinny person who doesnt have enough fat stores for winter or something! GAHHH!!! smh.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    People get so mad when you say they're getting fat. I told my brother he was getting fat and boy was he mad. He's working out with me now though so I guess it worked.
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Sick of hearing people tell me I lost too much weight. How come people never come up to you and say "Hey, you better be careful - you're getting too fat!" or "You really ought to brush your teeth!"? But they have no ****ing problem saying "You're losing too much weight"?

    I have had people tell me I have become too fat, it wasn't a nice thing to hear either. Still waiting for the day I hear somebody say I have lost too much weight :D
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    This is an easy one,

    One word answer , Jealous !
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Sick of hearing people tell me I lost too much weight. How come people never come up to you and say "Hey, you better be careful - you're getting too fat!" or "You really ought to brush your teeth!"? But they have no ****ing problem saying "You're losing too much weight"?

    I have had people tell me I have become too fat, it wasn't a nice thing to hear either. Still waiting for the day I hear somebody say I have lost too much weight :D

    Trust me, you're really not going to like it either. When people told me I lost too much weight they didn't say it in a nice way. I didn't even lose much weight too. I'm 5'3 and I weigh 134 so I'm on the heavy end for my height. I also lost the weight over almost a year now but I'd had people act like I have an eating disorder. They're more used to it now but it doesn't feel good to have someone say "omg you're so skinny you need to eat something!!"
  • Reptileszz
    Reptileszz Posts: 47 Member
    I think people that say that are jealous of your progress. They could probably stand to lose a few pounds and are jealous that you can. :) Take it as a compliment that they noticed!
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Had the same problem myself ...saw my doctor and its official I need to lose another stone so I am cracking on even though "I am too skinny now" lol.....Only 13 pounds to go now lmao:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 313 Member
    People do be hatin when the "fat folk" are no longer fat. My best friend in the whole world now refers to me as the skinny c**t but at least she's honest and up front with her hatin lol
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm the same kind of the same size as yourself (and the same age just about). I get called skinny, despite being almost exactly the ideal weight for my height (154lbs). My folks call me skinny too while saying I should be "more like my brother" who is actually borderline obese.

    As you say, it seems okay to call people skinny but not to call people fat. I'm neither. I'm normal weight, but I am surrounded by more and more people who are well overweight and who consequently make me look like a racing snake.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    I don't believe stuff like that has ANYTHING to do with you. I think what they are really sying is "I don't want to see someone who looks better then me." And stuff like that.

    I have twins, and I get the meanest comments. People really think they're being helpful.
    (Yes that's not the exact same thing, but it's along the same lines.)

  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    part of it, I think, is the disconnect we've established in our society about what people SHOULD look like.. when I was little, I was the only fat kid around.... now I'm (or was until last summer) the norm....everyone is fat and really thin, fit people are rare... at least in my world. for me.... part of the problem is the bags under the eyes and for the first time, I have a jaw. This makes me look like an undertaker. thankfully, when someone says this to me I can laugh... and I do.. yep.. you can never be too thin or too tan is the old joke...
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 161 Member
    I'm glad somebody said something about this. I felt rude because I would get offended with the 'You're looking so skinny' comments and "You sure you're eating enough'. It doesn't feel like a compliment at all, it makes me feel sick. So many don't understand that it's almost as insulting as calling someone too large in my eyes.
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I checked out your pictures. You haven't lost too much weight. Ignore those nay-sayers. Probably jealous. :drinker: :bigsmile: