Please help! My weight loss has stalled. Need advice!!

I have been on MFP since Feb. 27th. I was doing really well, losing 1-2 pounds a week. I have been doing everything the same for the last 3 weeks as I have since I have begun this journey and have only lost .4 of a pound. Yes, I have days that I go over, but I also have days that I am under, so know that when looking at my diary. I just don't know what to do. So here are my stats and my diary is open.

221.6 pounds.
I walk or use wii fit 3 times a week.
MFP has my calories set at 1550 and my BMR at 1638.
Fat to Fit Military Fat Cal. has me at 55.8%. Yes, I know it is horrible. That is why I am here.
Fat to Fit BMR, Using the Katch-McArdle Forumla is 1332 and says that for sedentary ( I work a desk job) I should eat 1861.
So with all those stats, what should I do? Am I stalling because I am not eating enough? Am I stalling because I am eating too much? Do I need to exercise for than I do? (But then again the caloric intake comes into play). Please help! Any advice would be wonderful. But please play nice. I know I can eat cleaner and have been working on that the past few months. It's all a process. Thanks in advance!!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If you eat around 1400 - 1600 you should have a useful calorie deficit every day. Let's call it 1500 +/- 100.

    When you do exercise I would take that as an extra deficit, as you're not doing a huge amount and you're not starting at a low calorie goal. If you were desparate after an exercise a 100 calorie snack perhaps as an extra boost.

    Your diary shows several missed breakfasts and some 800 - 1000 calorie dinners in the evening. Perhaps you could work on the portion control for the latter. Could you do a greek yoghurt every morning perhaps with a few almonds (10 or 15 perhaps) to give you some protein and good fats to get things moving ?

    Some of the data you've used is out on macros - like steak with zero protein - so I'm not sure about that aspect. In general I would try and economise on carbohydrates of all types.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    muscle confusion maybe? ifyou work out the same way along time your muscles will get used to it ..
    pick it up some or do a different work out suprise your muscles
  • ToniaWalkin
    ToniaWalkin Posts: 19 Member
    sounds like you just need change.....try a new work out, shock the system a little.
  • nszocinski
    nszocinski Posts: 156 Member
    I had been chasing the same 2 pounds back and forth for a couple of weeks. I have started with a personal trainer so I'm doing a more intense workout twice a week with her. In addition, I've made sure I'm eating with at least a 1200 cal. net. In the past week I've finally kicked the plateau and lost 3 pounds. I agree with the other post about having to trick your body. It gets too used to your eating and workout pattern and goes dormant apparently. Try cycling your calories and your workouts. That's where I'm seeing a difference.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Your diary shows several missed breakfasts and some 800 - 1000 calorie dinners in the evening. Perhaps you could work on the portion control for the latter. Could you do a greek yoghurt every morning perhaps with a few almonds (10 or 15 perhaps) to give you some protein and good fats to get things moving ?

    I agree. A small breakfast on most mornings may help. I notice you eat practically zero vegetables. I would try to incorporate some in your diet, as that is a lot of food you could be eating for minimal calories, not to mention the health consequences of not eating any veg. I had a few plateaus along the way and sometimes I just needed to wait it out. So above all else, have patience!
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    If you work a desk job and are doing light exercise 3 times a week, 1550 is as high as you should go. I know this because Im of similar weight and height, and if i sit all day and I eat more than 1500 calories i dont lose anything. I will lose weight by exercising 5-6 times a week and eating my exercise calories back with my calories at 1500. I would say up your exercise, and stick to the plan youre doing now. Try walking 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Also, what type of foods are you eating? Are you making sure to eating most whole foods or are you still drinking diet drinks, soda, processed diet foods? If you're already eating whole foods, thats awesome and keep it up. If youre not, switching to eating mostly fruits, vegetables, lean no preservative meats, nuts, and moderate amounts of very whole grains that may help a lot.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Your diary shows several missed breakfasts and some 800 - 1000 calorie dinners in the evening. Perhaps you could work on the portion control for the latter. Could you do a greek yoghurt every morning perhaps with a few almonds (10 or 15 perhaps) to give you some protein and good fats to get things moving ?

    I agree that you could try to eat SOMETHING for breakfast and less at night. My doc advised me to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime (so I don't eat past 7pm). Of course, you should always follow the advice of your own physician.

    I also agree that changing up your exercises can help. Add in a 4th day of movement: walking up and down your street, or at the mall, go for a bike ride, or take a nature walk nearby.

    Good Luck!
  • mikeandfox
    mikeandfox Posts: 59
    If your intake is less than your BMR, then you will lose. I would take a look into your sodium intake. It can make you retain water leading to an increase on the scale. I can personally gain or lose up to about 2 lbs of water weight daily. I found I get more reliable weight ins if I can keep my sodium around 2,300. Actually trying to decrease it.
  • ToniaWalkin
    ToniaWalkin Posts: 19 Member
    looking at your food diary kind of explains whats going on, maybe it's time to revamp your diet as well.
    where's all the fruits and vegetable? for dinner one night was 4 slices of bread along with other's possible your portions are a little out of whack
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    In my personal experience, I have noticed that I have a problem with extra sugars in my diet. I could be under calorie intake for 2 weeks but, if my sugar is high, I cant lose weight. Not saying your problem is sugar but, maybe something to that effect, I.E. Sugar, Sodium, etc.

    My husband would never eat a whole lot but, he would skip breakfast and lunch and eat all of his calories at dinner. Needless to say, he gained all of his weight that way. Once he spread his food out and ate breakfast, he started losing weight and actually had a problem eating all his calories for the day.

    What the experts say is true...Breakfast is very important. It actually helps get your metabolism started for the day. And, small meals throughout the day actually keep your metabolism moving all day.

    Keep pushing and trying and working on it. I know, BELIEVE ME I know, how difficult it is! You will get there and figure out your own personal, best way of handling it. You may be losing a little weight and gaining a little muslce too...have you been meauring yourself instead of just weighing?
  • lms333
    lms333 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with the poster that mentioned breakfast. I tend to eat 5-6 times a day even if the mid day snack is only cucumbers or carrots (my typical staple). It's also helped me to load my carbs in the morning or during the day and taper them off to where I'm only eating a salad and protein for dinner and a late night protein shake after dinner. Of course last night I had cereal after dinner... ha ha, just have to listen to your body. (I did heavy exercise the prior day and was quite fatigued).

    Anyways...other than that I would seriously consider looking at your sodium intake as you have some pretty high days in there. I try to keep mine at or below the 2,500 but I too have high days when I venture into the restaurant world.

    Best of luck, give it time. As I frequently post on my wall. "Focus on results and you won't change. Focus on change and you'll get results, where focus goes energy flows." Or my new favorite, "Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can do what others can't." These I have posted on my monitor at work and read them often through out my day. =)
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    Check your sodium...throw your body a curve ball...take a week off of training and then start again a week later...also watch late night snacking...
  • car7379
    car7379 Posts: 1
    some suggestions I have heard are to change up your exercise routine and your diet. Your body gets used to doing the same things over and over and they are no longer efficient. if you change what you are doing and your diet, it sends you body into a kind of shock so that it will kind of jump start it. One way to change up your diet is to have an apple day, only 6-8 apples in one day plus a lot of water, or do a cleanse .
  • 1RBelle512
    1RBelle512 Posts: 53 Member
    Good for you for taking a strong step toward improving your health. Logging your food and exercise on MFP is a great way to lose weight simply by monitoring your calories in and out.

    However, there's more to health than calories. I think you could rejuvenate your weight loss by making your diet "cleaner" as you say. Why not trade in white bread for whole wheat? Why not have some crunchy vegetables instead of chips? Like you, I used to eat chips all the time, but when I traded them in for celery and carrots, I discovered I could have a lot more food for the calories, and feel satisfied rather than deprived.

    To be more specific, after looking at your diary, my first thought was that you are eating entirely too much bread. And it's white bread, which really doesn't do much for your body. I saw you had a footlong the other day--why not have it on a salad instead? I have found the Subway salads are a godsend: very satisfying, very healthy, very low calorie.

    I also saw that you had spaghetti--you simply MUST try spaghetti squash! It is the single most wonderful discovery I have made on my weight loss journey. It's only about 50 calories for a whole cup, and it's even more delicious than pasta. Your body will thank you.

    Finally, I recommend you watch some documentaries about nutrition, like "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", and read a book about it, like "YOU on a Diet" (which has lots of great visual aides, not just boring text). Both of those were really helpful for me.

    Remember that exercise doesn't have to be a pain. A lot of people on this site subscribe to the "no pain, no gain" mentality, but I do not, and I lost 50lbs and had fun doing it. I found I enjoyed swimming and playing tennis. You might enjoy them, too, but there are plenty of other activities that burn more calories than walking and aren't aggravating like running on a treadmill might be.

    I'd also recommend doing some exercise videos in your living room, even on days you don't feel like exercising. I've found the workout videos on Netflix instant are really great and, hey, a lot cheaper than a gym membership. Particularly try videos featuring Ellen Barrett, she's really encouraging. I started with "Pick Your Level: Weight Loss Pilates", then built up to "Crunch: Super SlimDown", and now find I can do many of the other videos that are more strenuous as well.

    Best of luck. Can't wait to see your progress.