At a loss....any suggestions?

I've been trying to lose weight and tone up. So far, I've lost about 18lbs and hope to lose about another 18 before my wedding in early September. I'm currently in physical therapy for a disc herniation but have done extremely well. My weight levels are pretty high, especially considering my injury. I'm lifting for about an hour, 3-days a week. In addition, I stretch for about 45 minutes each day, and walk for about 1.5 hours. Currently, I am limited to walking and stretching, and I do about 10 min. on a stationary bike when I'm at the gym to warm up for my weights. That's it until my neurosurgeon authorizes more - then I will begin swimming every other day for an hour, along with my walks and stretches.

I have made the mistake of not measuring my body, so even though I'm making progress (clearly visible by my body shape) I have only been losing about .5lbs/week. This week, I even gained a pound. I'm just curious as to how much muscle weight is usually gained in a week? I'm leg pressing about 200lbs, back extension @ 90lbs, lat pulldown at 55, rotarty torso at 55, seated rows at about 56, multi-hip between 28-35, dead lifts at 50, etc.

Also, what do you suggest to increase my fat loss? I haven't been great at eating breakfast so I know I need to fuel my body earlier in the day, but I am beginning to wonder if I am eating too few calories? Most days I'm around 1400, and on the weekends sometimes up to 1800 cals, but most days my net calories are below my goal calories, but I'm hesitant to increase calories until I see more fat loss on my body.

Just looking for anyone out there who has more knowledge and who can shed some light on things I can try.



  • kimboyle92
    kimboyle92 Posts: 26 Member
    I've read that you gain about 1 lb of muscle a week ... instead of looking at the scale, take your measurements each week and go by that.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I've read that you gain about 1 lb of muscle a week ... instead of looking at the scale, take your measurements each week and go by that.

    Was that article about steroids/prohormones? 1lb a week is near impossible on a calorie deficit and pretty impossible on a calorie surplus.
  • mbrickle
    mbrickle Posts: 23
    Any ideas??
  • hcglindsey
    hcglindsey Posts: 37 Member
    Have you tried a carb cycle? it will trick your body into letting go of some body fat.You basically eat 0-30 carbs for two days then 30-60 the third day 0-30 the forth and 60-90 the fifth and then back to 0-30 for day six and seven.I would really try to stick to whole foods if you can.
  • hcglindsey
    hcglindsey Posts: 37 Member
    Another suggestion is to make sure your getting enough protein and good fats in your diet so your body doesnt "hold on" in case there is a "emergency" and it needs reserves.