Not eating before an early morning workout?

I get hungry within 15 or so minutes of waking up (good metabolism maybe? tell my gut that LOL) I have heard that running or working out before eating can help you lose weight faster. Does anyone know anything about this? I know that it is all basically calories in vs out, but does this make a difference?


  • I think your last statement is the important one. Calories in vs Calories out.

    Keep in mind that if you try to work out on an empty stomach, you probably won't work out as hard as if you have a light breakfast, then work out. Even a piece of fruit or slice of toast will give you an energy boost that won't make your workout such a slog as it would be on an empty stomach. Also, while you work out, you may only burn as many calories as you consume for your breakfast, but keep in mind that working out (especially if it's for half an hour or more) ramps up your resting calorie burn rate for a good while after your workout.
  • caliKW
    caliKW Posts: 5
    Hi Kat...

    There is a ton of information on this style of workout/diet -- google "Intermittent Fasting" and "LeanGains" -- for the skinny on this.

    I do my P90X workouts in the morning before breakfast (from 6am - 7am). The first couple were a bit to get used to, but now I have no problems doing this - its quickly become my favourite time to workout.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    You kind of have to listen to your body on this one. Some days if I just have coffee (with milk) before working out, I just don't have the energy to get through a workout. If you don't have the energy you aren't going to work as hard or burn as many calories.

    Most days, I try to eat about 100 calories (a granola bar) before I workout in the morning and I feel much better. And 100 calories won't sit in my stomach making me feel bad.

    I get hungry in the morning too, but if I workout then I can push back my breakfast for a couple of hours and then I am more comfortable getting to lunch.
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    I always have a protein shake as soon as I wake up to avoid losing muscle mass during my morning cardio sessions. It also gives me more energy and since I'm not a morning person, I get a better workout.
  • BlueBaron37
    BlueBaron37 Posts: 107 Member
    I would have thought you would lose more weight not eatting before morning exercise. Some people might think you need to put some enegy in first. But when I was in the Army we exercised first thing before food, twice a week.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I exercise before eating. Sometimes I feel a little hungry, but it's not a problem for me. I workout at home, so the time between when I get up and when I start working out isn't very long - no getting ready plus a drive to the gym or anything. My purpose in starting early is to get it done before my family wakes up. If I ate something, I'd feel like I'd need to let it settle before the workout, and that would defeat the purpose of getting up early. And I don't want to get up any earlier - 5:15 is early enough. :tongue: My workouts don't last longer than 60 minutes though, usually 30-40 most days.
  • Think about it this way. If you have a half a tank of gas, and drive 50miles, then put $10 gas in, you will have the same amount of gas in the tank at the end of the day as if you put that $10 in before the drive.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    My issue is that I am starving when I wake up, I have tried running before on an empty stomach, it does not work too well. I just didn't know if it was beneficial to try and make it happen.
  • One thing to try to to have a little bit of caffein prior to your workout with a glass of water. I take a pre-workout drink that contains caffein and other nutrients and am never hungry before or after a workout. The caffein and the water will give you a full feeling that will allow you to wait until after your workout which is really when you should be eating because that is when your body will be craving all of the nutrients it just lost through an intense workout. I lift heavy and then do cardio every morning at 5 AM and this absolutely works for me. Good luck with the weight loss and your wedding. I just got married this past October and it is the best thing ever........welll the honeymoon is a little better!!