How often do you weigh?

MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
I am making myself wait, doing it every Monday.


  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    Often. But do I believe it? Not really. I've stopped taking what the scale says seriously a long time ago.

    I've found other more reliable ways of tracking my progress.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Every day, throughout the day (for fun). I can handle the fluctuations because I've learned how my body works.

    I used to weigh-in everyday, but now I log it weekly.
  • jhm57
    jhm57 Posts: 11 Member
    I've tried a lot of variations and found what works best for me is to get on the scale every other day.
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    Once a week
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Every morning
  • shannonperry13
    i do a few days a week when i wake up. i try to stick to every monday but i get excited if i think i've had a few good days, i can't help myself. :)
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    When I feel skinnier. I let my body give me a hint, like I'm having to wear a belt with a pair of pants that I didn't need to last week. Things like that.

    It turns out to be like every 10 days or so.
  • Jaspererc13
    Once a week, just to see how things are going. Go more by how my favorite jeans fit. They don't fit yet but they will :)
  • NicoleMarie0409
    Every morning
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I measure every week - but I weigh every two's a way of avoiding my t.o.m and having it affecting me lol
  • michaelthorsonjr
    I weigh myself (naked) every Friday morning before I shower.

    I try not to take it too seriously, but I am very fearful about gaining weight mainly because I lost a lot of weight my last couple of years in college just to gain it all back after I got married. I want to maintain my weight at about 140 lbs. so I'm paranoid to eat over my calories allotted. I run 10 miles 4 days a week and have a day at 13 miles (around 7:30 minute mile pace; training for my first marathon in December). Luckily even with a couple of days a week being over allotted calories I seem to stay right around 139 lbs. - 142 lbs (which I am assuming is more water weight than anything).
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    Usually on Friday and Monday but only log in whatever comes up on Monday.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    every Sunday morning as soon as I get up....if I weigh in daily, I will make myself nuts
  • qballjr13
    qballjr13 Posts: 174 Member
    I log my weight in on Friday mornings when I wake up...after I have been good all week. I do weigh myself every day and sometimes a few times a day but I dont take it too seriously.
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    Once a month. I've sent montly mini-goals and I weigh in on the last day of the month.
  • InIt2WinIt
    InIt2WinIt Posts: 68
    Once a month, that's the only way I can stay sane!!!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Every morning, but I log it every Friday and I just started taking my measurements. Today was the first time since last Friday and there was some loss, but I am thinking that once a week might be too often for measurements...maybe every two?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    When I feel skinnier. I let my body give me a hint, like I'm having to wear a belt with a pair of pants that I didn't need to last week. Things like that.

    It turns out to be like every 10 days or so.
    That's cool! :)MinMin
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I prefer to weigh myself every Friday AM right after I wake up...because I am very disciplined Monday through Friday...Friday AM gives me an idea how my weekend should be.

    Weigh less in the AM after waking up.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    First thing every morning after using the the bathroom, before getting showered/dressed.