Introducing myself...finally

Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
I'm quite shy so I never did this intro thing before. I used MFP to just count calories and nothing else. I'm living in a very small town with very few friends and I'm realizing after 4 months of no progress that I need a little help.

So hi!
My name is Courtney and I'm 26 years old and live in southern Alberta. I'm looking to lose 30-40lbs and actually stop hating myself all the time. I haven't had a good run yet. I've got the exercise thing pretty much down, but the food is killing me. I need some accountability and I've found that having some friends look at my horrible diary is helping...although it's also quite humbling.

Right now I'm working through New rules of lifting, and I do some walking, jogging, biking (soon) on the side to get out of the gym. I'm having a really tough time curbing all my cravings and really need to clean up my eating and get more protein in. I don't believe in cutting specific foods out completely, but I'd rather not be "treating" myself to crap every day.

Yep so that's why I'm here. I'd love some nice friends that will be supportive and give constructive critisism.


  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    I know what you mean girl same here can friend me if you like :)
  • journeywtops
    Hi my name Janine and I can relate with the eating, fill myself with junk food. Have to say though since I've join MFP and started tracking my food doing a little better. friend me if u like. Keep up the good work u inspiring me, thanks