Ideal Protein Diet

Hello, I am trying to find people which are also just started on the Ideal Protein Diet and their experience and suggestions to go through it. Cheers. Sabine


  • Sabine,

    I did IP last year for a few months. I lost about 20lbs on it. It was hard for me to stick to because it was very strict and the cost was very high. I can say that it definitely works if you stick with it and don't cheat. I stopped because the cost of the packets became too much for me.

    Good luck !
  • targetnemo
    targetnemo Posts: 1
    I've been in IP for just over 4 weeks now. I'm very pleased with the results so far. I've lost 12lbs - have another 10 to go. My husband is doing it with me so the support does help. We've been very good - no cheating. He is on the IP Alternative plan bc he exercises a lot (runs at least 8miles a day and usually does some weight training too) He has lost 25lbs and is eating way more food than I am. For me the first 8 days were tough my husband struggled with the first 5 days. Once we were into the second week we weren't experienceing hunger or cravings anymore. He has already transitioned into phase 2 bc he has met his goal. I'm still in phase 1 for at least few more weeks. There are days I look at all the food I have to eat and shake my head and ask ... how am I going to finish all of this? I like the packaged food and there are many creative recipies online to keep good variety going. The cost isn't cheap - but it works out to about $4/per meal which really isn't bad considering this isn't long term and our grocery bill is lower bc we weren't buying as much food / snacks from the store. I love the diet so far and I have met a number of people who did it and have kept the weight off. The most appealing aspect is the phasing out of their food to real food and teaching you how to eat for life.
  • I just started IP last Thursday, so tomorrow is my first weigh-in. The first week was definitely hard for me, because I'm considered a constant grazer and the vending machine at work is only $0.25 for full size candy bars, which I was using as meal replacements (with seconds and thirds)...

    I'm feeling a lot better than I have in months. And have definitely spent a lot less just this past week in food (since I was dining out at lunch often with my co workers).

    I've been mixing the soups with my veggies to make a more filling meal. And learned that the pudding does better in a blender (small single serve ones) than it does in the shaker - no foam, almost instant set up - just let it get cold!

    I can't wait to report in on my progress - I'm on a medication that makes it difficult to lose weight and my PCP said, medication or weight loss, not both. :-| So I'm happy to be doing something medically monitored and that seems to be working for me!
  • mdmomof4
    mdmomof4 Posts: 61 Member
    I tried IP for a short time. To be honest I feel much better using the MFP. IP is so expensive and really strict. I know some people swear by it. MY concern is how can you wean back food without gaining. I know they say you lose really quick and I was always told losing quick isnt good.
  • I really need and like the restrictions and I don't seem to be or feel like I'm loosing quickly... which I'd like, since that's more motivating and for me easier to stick with then 1 to 2 pounds per week.

    My understanding is that when you go into the next phases and learn to iterate food back into your diet you're continuing with what you've had (though less of the ideal protein meals) and adding healthier choices since you're no longer craving junk food fixes and you're satisfied with less because you've been eating less.

    Everyone says its so expensive but when you consider it's a prepay of $4 per meal per week compared to the $4 for drive-thru breakfast meal, $5-15 to eat out at lunch, and another $5-10 for dinner, plus vending machine - get me through the afternoon or a starbucks run, you end up saving money. At least I have, the kids and husband are eating more salads and vegetables, and if they have something I "can't" have, I have left over chicken and a fresh salad. Plus, no more juice in the house so even the kids are drinking more water.

    When my husband calls and says do you want to order out - only I can't, we ALL end up having a healthier meal that's cheaper than eating out.