If your like me I want to hear about your sucess!

Ibleaveinme Posts: 17 Member
I am a new mom, looking to lose at least 50lbs. I work full time and feel like I have no time to do anything:) ( my husband and I are on two different schedules,which makes it more difficult) I want to get to know other moms who feel like I do . I want to hear about people who are trying or have conquered this weight loss battle. I have battled my weight for most of my life but now with being a new mother I refuse to let it limit me. Feel Free to add me as a friend. I am looking for support and looking to support others. Anyone out there like me???

Age: 32
Height: 5"2


  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I am a mom and my husband and I both work VERY opposite schedules. I know how hard it is to try to juggle everything. How new a mom are you? My son is now almost 5 and life is getting much easier. If your little one is very young, can you get to a gym that has a daycare center? My gym is AWESOME and my son loves to go (he thinks it is camp or something). But I get at least an hour to myself and feel so much better at the end of a workout. I am a better wife and a mom. Friend me if you like:)
  • HEK81
    HEK81 Posts: 50 Member
    We sound very similar. I have two young kids. I had past success with MFP. I am working off the weight from baby #2. My gym is near my job. I have taken off of work early some days just to spend that time on me. I have used my lunch break (other moms at my job do that as well). I have two days a week that my husband pics the baby up so that I can go to the gym. This week I could not make it either of my days because life is busy. I did make time at home to work out on those days. It worked out great because my kids got to see me working out and took an interest. Yes even the baby. This week I have lost 2lbs and .5 inches doing Turbo Jam. You have to make a commitment to put your needs into your daily schedule. I have learned to maximize my workouts. I like kickboxing because I can burn a lot of calories in a little amount of time. I do not have the time or the desire to be in the gym all day. Keep setting goals. I made the mistake of getting to 20lbs and thinking now what? I gained some of it back so now I have smaller goals to keep me on track. I have also made MFP friends to help support me.
    HW: an embarrassing 248.8 (I actually gained weight after the baby)
    CW: 230
    Age 31
    Height 5ft. 1in.
    Hope this helps!
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