this dieting thing is so easy everyone should be skinny

george29223 Posts: 556 Member
buh ha the ones rushing in here to beat me about the head and neck are the ones i wanna talk to, this is the first real diet i ever been on and i must say i look up to each and everyone of yall , if you read in my profile i spent my entire life loving food kinda like a hobby trying out new places,but age cought up with me iam starting to get sickly and well its time to bite the bullet and start losing weight, its totally for me never worried about what people thought of my size or was ever embarrased in public scared of what people thought of me each and every person on earth is a work of art all diffrent sizes and shapes to me what they look like isnt important at all i look for honesty loyality , iam a lucky guy ive got people who will love me no matter what my size and hopfully a thinner healther me in the future i used to love eating more than anything now ive traded that for a bigger love living . i have a few questions to ask first is whats the deal with diet pills i got a prescription and yes its peeling the weight off but its alittle scary i havent posted my weight loss yet but i lost 20 pounds in two weeks maybe get 2-3 hours of sleep a day and felt mad all the time crazy stuff thats why i joined here a week ago i dropped the crazy pills for watching calories but its been hell i feel like iam starving to death not . is it because of the pills i was taking thats making me so hungry? when i was on them i never got the first hunger pang. i need advice because i have no clue about being on a diet but one thing i do know is this is going to be a life long thing and i accept it 100%


  • mrsrood
    mrsrood Posts: 13 Member
    I would recommend checking out fat2fit radio. I admit I have not tried a ton of diets but all that I do I was miserable. I felt bad for my poor husband dealing with a not so nice person during those times. I have counted calories for the most part and found the most success that way. You can read more on my page but basically I just started eating according to the fat2fit ideas and am losing weight and not starving. I believe I can do this life long and I am actually starting to feel really good about my body, even though I have not lost much. Just thought I would share because I have found this helpful, so maybe at least check it out and listen to a few pod cast. :) Good luck
  • jrlja5
    jrlja5 Posts: 59
    glad you stopped by. this is a very helpful and supportive site. it's crazy when you first find out how many calories are in some of your favorites, you get used to cutting them down or trading one thing for a healthier (and quite yummy) choice instead. I wish you good luck on your journey and f eel free to add me if you'd like.
  • There are a couple of good books out there to help you find healthier choices in every day life. I found the Eat This Not That series quite helpful. I own about 4 of them.

    It might be a good idea to speak with a nutritionist to fully round out your knowledge... ultimately they are smarter about all this stuff than any of us are.

    Best of luck on your journey
  • Gestahl
    Gestahl Posts: 110 Member
    As another 6'3" guy well into the 300s with a love for food... good luck!

    I haven't ever tried them, but I don't think you need to crazy pills. If they're keeping you from sleeping, it's probably not the healthiest thing in the world. Your body just needs to get used to not needing to be "full" all the time.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I hear you. Food use to be my life and I have tried every diet out there...even diet pills. I am glad that you stopped them. They have have an impact on your health and I never liked how they made me feel. I think you are in a wonderful place and know that you have people to support you.

    What has helped me is giving up the concept of dieting. I always felt like I was starving and would often give up because of restriction. It's all about food choice. Getting back to basics as I like to say! Eating veggies, lean protein, whole grains and staying away from processed food and.

    Again I just want you to know that you are not alone. As an ex emotional/over eater I will tell you that it is all worth it. If you are every looking for some help let me know!