Here's a fun little NSV

NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
Here's a fun little NSV

Some friends and I went to a park for an end of the school year party and decided to play a game of freeze tag (yes, we're college seniors who like to play tag. Don't judge us 'cause we like to have fun :P)

As a short (4'11") stocky person, I've never been a good runner. Even as a kid, I was slow and had very little endurance. Basically I was one of those kids that you *didn't* want to have on your team in gym class

I thought I was going to make a fool of myself in this game of tag. Oh sure, I would have fun and there would be laughs. But I thought I would end up frozen within the first three minutes, panting and out of breath, while all the other kids zipped around without breaking a sweat.

Well, I didn't realize how well your body responds when you've been running six miles 3X per week for at least three months.

I ended up being one of the best runners. I still wasn't very fast, but when I was "it" I was able to run down whoever I chased, no matter how long it took. I'm not embarrassed to say it put a little predatory gleam in my eye

Yes, I'm tooting my own horn a bit here, but I never *ever* thought I would have above average endurance when it came to running. Seeing my efforts pay off in real life (even just a game of tag) gave me a burst of confidence was what helped me run my six miles in under an hour, which I did yesterday. That's my fastest time yet!


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