
woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
So is anyone excited for more spring like weather to start riding their bikes?

I live in Modesto, one of the stops along the AMGEN bike tour in CA. Since I have started losing weight in Feb 2011, I have lost 45 lbs and for the last few months have begun to plateau. So I thought to myself, why not go and get myself something new and shiny....

I went and bought myself a brand new bicycle along with a bike rack, lock, gloves and helmet.

Might have cost a pretty penny but sooooo totally worth it. I am excited to get back to bike riding again. I had forgotten how good and exillerating it can be.


  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    im on the other side of the country, but just as excited for the weather to be more spring like so i can ride my bike. when it is sunny here, it's been windy too, so no bike for me. i even have a cycling partner waiting for the weather to break so we can go together. c'mon spring!
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Spring has been here for a while in SE Texas... it's starting to get HOT! One of my favorite things is to get out on my bike early in the morning and ride!! I have seen so much of the area outside my city and in town since I started cycling.

    Good luck with your new bike!! HAVE FUN!!!
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Weather is nice and hot here in MS (90 degrees) and we ride mostly year round maybe sit out about a month to six weeks. I love riding and we have a great National Parkway where I live to ride on. I'm getting out in the moring to do a 30-40 mile ride! What kind of bike did you get?
  • frogman4591
    frogman4591 Posts: 135
    The weather is about one month ahead of schedule here in eastern Nebraska. I usually start riding my bike in late April. This spring I have logged almost 300 miles, with the majority of those being my 5 mile round trip top work and back. This spring i am challenging myself more, and last Saturday rode 25 miles.

    Enjoy your new bicycle and above all else be safe.
  • pondwater41
    pondwater41 Posts: 23
    Western PA here. Had a very mild winter, we've been cycling since mid-March. We're very fortunate in our area and have lots of "rails to trails".
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    Nice job on your loss and HAVE FUN on that bike! You'll love it!
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    I live in Florida and it's getting TOO hot to ride my bike.
  • fypspirit
    fypspirit Posts: 109 Member
    Ohio here and rode for the first time in years the other night. I have been jogging for about a month and figured I would get the bike out and give it a try. To say the least it was an eye opener, uses totally different muscles than jogging lol was a little difficult for me but gonna keep doing it until I get it down. Have fun.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Get on your bike and ride! I'm up here in Auburn. And it is perfect cycling weather (except the wind).
    Cant wait for the Amgen tour. We got to have it start stage 3 here last year. What a blast!
    Keep on pedaling.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member

    Never thought that there would be this huge response. LOL. Yeah, I am planning on at least going for a 30 min ride a day....when I am not working a 12 hours shift at the hospital. Glad ot know there are others thinking the same way I am. Have fun riding.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    So is anyone excited for more spring like weather to start riding their bikes?

    I live in Modesto, one of the stops along the AMGEN bike tour in CA. Since I have started losing weight in Feb 2011, I have lost 45 lbs and for the last few months have begun to plateau. So I thought to myself, why not go and get myself something new and shiny....

    I went and bought myself a brand new bicycle along with a bike rack, lock, gloves and helmet.

    Might have cost a pretty penny but sooooo totally worth it. I am excited to get back to bike riding again. I had forgotten how good and exillerating it can be.

    I live in Maine, and signed up for the Trek Across Maine as my big exercise incentive program (it's a 3-day 180-mile bike ride to benefit the American Lung Association). I've been out in 40-degree blowing rain, 35-mile-an-hour winds, and a bunch of beautiful sunny 50-degree days. Gotta train in everything, because the Trek happens when it happens - no matter what the weather is like.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Ohio here and rode for the first time in years the other night. I have been jogging for about a month and figured I would get the bike out and give it a try. To say the least it was an eye opener, uses totally different muscles than jogging lol was a little difficult for me but gonna keep doing it until I get it down. Have fun.

    I've found that an elliptical trainer set to exercise the butt seems to be a really good trainer for cycling. If nothing else, it allows you to build up stamina and use muscles that are really useful in cycling. My first actual training ride was 20 miles, and after a half-dozen training rides I can knock out a 50-miler in pretty hilly terrain without too much drama.
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    In Florida seems like we get about 3 days of spring and then it's 85+ Degrees out.
    I was thinking I'll wait till winter and buy a bicycle! LOL
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Just started making the transition from spin class to riding outside. This will be my third year doing triathlons. And I still hate the bike portion. For me it's a painful but necessary step to get from the swim to the run. I hate riding on the road with cars, and I'm terrified of going downhill. I actually love the uphill, but then I hate the down part. It's a control thing. I don't like the feeling of going fast. I thought for sure my first triathlon I would freak out and have to walk it down the big hill.
    Would love to hear any suggestions from those of you that enjoy riding.
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    We have a cycling forum on MFP...come join us
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    I started my exercise regime with a brand new pink Schwinn at the end of January. I love love love it. Hubby and I just got back from a 30 minute ride around our neighborhood. We live in a nice subdivison that you can do 3 miles in 2 laps and 30 minutes....perfect! I am so much stronger three months later and am so mad when the weather doesn't co-operate with my ride.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    We have a cycling forum on MFP...come join us

    Kinda new here. What's a forum?
  • coolteenager101
    coolteenager101 Posts: 65 Member
    I just bike in my biking machine inside my house lol :)
    Weather doesn't make a difference to me.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    We have a cycling forum on MFP...come join us

    Kinda new here. What's a forum?

    A Forum is a specific message board that is about a specific topic.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Been riding for about a month. Did about 100 miles in April in SE Pa outside of Philadelphia. How do you find the biking group?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Oh man- I'm in NE PA and I just started riding my bike again. I like to ride to and fro the gym- but man, is it hard! It's a quick 2 miles to my gym, but its all downhill on the way there and uphill on the way back. I live up in the mountains, so my hills are no joke.

    There's something about being a runner that makes you believe that you are good at all endurance sports. My ride home from the gym a couple times a week is a nice slap in the face to bring me back to reality! I find that climb up the hill harder than any run I've done, period.
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I really need to get my bike in for a tune up..of course its raining off and on here so I keep having to put it off..Hopefully next week we'll get them in ..I miss riding
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Oh man- I'm in NE PA and I just started riding my bike again. I like to ride to and fro the gym- but man, is it hard! It's a quick 2 miles to my gym, but its all downhill on the way there and uphill on the way back. I live up in the mountains, so my hills are no joke.

    There's something about being a runner that makes you believe that you are good at all endurance sports. My ride home from the gym a couple times a week is a nice slap in the face to bring me back to reality! I find that climb up the hill harder than any run I've done, period.

    I hear you! I live near Valley Forge and ride the trails in the National Park sometimes. All up and down! Totally killer. It has about 300 feet of elevation change. Up where you are it can even be more.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Just took my bike for it's first ride on the trail I had been looking forward to this morning and had an awesome time. I rode for 45 min straight... well almost until the end when I was going up the ramp up to the top of the bridge over the river. The whole ride was about 4 miles. I was absolutely shocked I wasn't more tired and sore. Just goes to show that what I have been doing has helped. I would have never been able to do this at all a year ago.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Soooo I rode my bike to the gym. Which is 2 miles from my house one way. Took me about 20 min. but sooooo worth it. I ended up burning about 216 calories per 20 min. Gotta love this time of year. It was perfect time to ride my bike to the gym.