Hello, MFP!

Gestahl Posts: 110 Member
Hello, all! I'm new, and I have quite a bit to lose!

I've been overweight for pretty much my entire life... the last time I was at a healthy weight, I believe I was six or seven years old. A couple years back, I peaked at around 370lbs. I'm big. I always have been. It's part of who I am, and frankly, with my body type, it's unlikely that I'll ever match the generically healthy BMI category for an average 6'3" male. But there's something seriously wrong with where I'm at right now, and I know it. My goal of 250 shouldn't be an end result, either... but I figure that can get there, I'll have a better idea of what I should be aiming for.

I'm here to move toward finding a healthy lifestyle. I'm trying to learn to become more conscious of how I live as a whole, and my physical health is a big part of that. The fact that I've allowed it to go on ignored for so long is... dishonest, to say the least. I'm not looking to become "hardcore," and I don't intend to live my life in pursuit of the perfect, glistening, muscle-bound body (regardless of what my avatar might imply). But I AM determined to start moving in a more healthy direction, and permanently.

As for me as a person, I'm a 26-year-old geek living near Boston, but I'm returning to Oregon soon, where I grew up. I enjoy talking and reading about history, philosophy, psychology, religion and spirituality, and just about anything in that realm. I'm a shy person, and I try not to take myself too seriously, nor am I the most extroverted and outgoing of motivators, but I do like be supportive of people!

If anyone wants to friend me, great! I'd be happy to know you.
Good luck to everyone!


  • RhythmGypsi
    RhythmGypsi Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome to MFP, friend! What a great introduction :D I say you also post this in the "Motivation & Support" thread; a lot of newbies roam this one, but more experienced people are in the M&S area <3
  • MommKatt
    MommKatt Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I am new here too and am enjoying the site. Grats on losing the 15 pounds, that is pretty awesome. My sons are 6'4 and 6'5 and weigh near or over 300 pounds too and it is difficult for them to lose the weight. I applaud your decision to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I am trying to do the same. This site is helping me watch what I put into my mouth. Ordinarily I would mindlessly eat whatever was in the kitchen or break room. And I didn't enjoy it because it was so mindless. Now I am conscious of what I am eating and the caloric content. I hope to keep it up. I wish you luck in your journey. Add me as a friend if you like. Take care and enjoy.
  • Gestahl
    Gestahl Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks Jen! Maybe... I might do that when I'm more awake. And I'm not going to lie, "experienced" fitness people scare the heck the out of me. But I probably shouldn't shy away. >_>

    And thank you! I fear that 15lbs was probably the easiest of it, but it's gotten me heading in the right direction. Completely agree about the mindless eating, too... it piles up WAY more than I would have realized. And I can sympathize with your sons... sounds like they're in somewhat better shape than I am, but if they got to their weight through a love of food, as I did... balancing that out can be hard in so many ways. :/ (but I wish good luck to them, too!)
  • RhythmGypsi
    RhythmGypsi Posts: 79 Member
    No shying away! :) You'll be surprised how supportive this community can be when curious people speak with intelligence. Most of the anger/annoyance is brought upon by people who want everything to be easy and handed to them, just like how they want their weight loss to be :P You are not like that, and since you are making the effort and have an open profile and an open food diary (or at least I think you do lol If not, change that asap!), people are more receptive to being friendly because they can see your progress and therefore can offer you good-hearted, genuine advice. We're not looking to be Armstrongs in body here, love! Just Armstrongs in Heart :D
  • Gestahl
    Gestahl Posts: 110 Member
    Armstrongs in heart. :p

    But yeah... I'd like nothing more than for this to be handed to me with no effort. Frankly, at this point, the only thing weight loss is requiring is putting forth any effort at all... it seems that a lot of really heavy guys seem to experience the same thing once they get rolling. But I know it's not always going to be like that, nor should it be.
