How long does it take for motivation to equal SUCCESS?

I'm just wondering how long and what peoples routines were for significant weight loss. Some days I just feel I'll never get there. I want to keep moving and I love people's stories. <3


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm not going to answer the question in your thread, but the one in your title.

    It takes one minute of motivation to equal success. One right choice, one extra step, one decision to trade fried chicken for a skinless chicken breast.

    Don't see success as just being 'significant weight loss', see it as every step you take to get there, and every second you do something differently because of your goals.
  • tat2oodmonster
    I'm not going to answer the question in your thread, but the one in your title.

    It takes one minute of motivation to equal success. One right choice, one extra step, one decision to trade fried chicken for a skinless chicken breast.

    Don't see success as just being 'significant weight loss', see it as every step you take to get there, and every second you do something differently because of your goals.

  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I second Cheryl's response. Success isn't big picture, it's each little nsv, better fitting pants, it's each and every single quarter pound that you shed, it's getting to work out when you don't want to, because you know if you don't, you'll fail. It's never ever giving up on your journey, your life or yourself. It's every single thing that makes you smile. THEN it's about great losses. That first holiday that I didn't eat two of everything at the counter was a huge success, 3 days into my MFP life. :)
  • leetime4me
    leetime4me Posts: 20
    I remind myself that this is for life....its not a race to the finish line and then go back to eating the way I was. I agree with the other poster that success is every choice you make. It not just in fitting into smaller clothes or having someone notice that you've lost weight..altho that is awesome! But even to get to that point feels like its months away. I've lost 7 pounds in one month and have been working really really hard, fighting the way I used to eat is not easy! But making healthy choices and not over eating, is success to me. I know one day someone will say "hey, looks like you've lost a few pounds" not realizing how friggin difficult it's been and how long it's taken! I don't want to need that to feel successful.