Gamers - I'm streaming Tera if you had any interest in it...

kewkdb Posts: 207 Member


  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    Been watching for a while, how do you like the game? I didn't get a chance to try it in beta, but I still have the client installed. Been looking for something worth while but it seems that companies are pumping out mediocre mmos for cash grabs these days.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I love it, been playing for quite a while since the betas. However, I also loved SWToR while leveling up :( SWToR PvP end game was essentially Huttball all day and all night which got SUPER lame and Ilum was an epic failure so I stopped playing.

    Hopefully Tera end game will be just as fun. I expect that it will be as there is world PvP unlike SWToR.
  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    I played a couple days of SWTOR, but it didnt strike me as worth investing in. Normally I'm all over any MMO because I love them but I've invested so much money and time in games that eventually flopped. Tera caught my eye, but I don't really know much about it. I didn't even really hear about it until a month ago.

    I'm looking forward to GW2, I've pre-ordered so I got into the open beta weekend and its looking pretty promising. Although, I didnt really get to do much in the way of gaming as I had to work all three days they had it up. What about this new one do you like? You mentioned PvP being lame in star wars, what does Tera have to offer? Do you plan on streaming anymore?

    ... I suppose I could just look up some videos on youtube. I'm so lazy :)
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah, the closer I get to 60 the more I will be streaming because we will be pvping more. Right now there is a guild vs guild structure where you can wage war on a guild and then you can fight them anywhere at any time. If you REALLY wanted to just kill anyone at anytime you can flag as an Outlaw and then you can kill anyone and anyone can kill you.

    I streamed some PvE today but not very much. Twitch also stores the streams so you can watch them whenever you want.