Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
Hi, thanks all of the time you are going to spend in reading this question and replying it.

Now that I am in my maintaining phase, or losing like 1-2kg to be fit... I am thinking about having a whey protein shake in the middle of the morning as a snack, why? I will explain it to you

My protein intake is not bad at all, ostrichs declared me "persona non grata" in their community, haha...

My morning till lunch time is so looooooooong and im craving a snack. I use to go for a fruit salad but it doesnt make my hunger to calm down.

I take my breakfast at 7.30-8.00am and id like to have the shake around 12.00-12.30 to be able to reach the lunch time 15.00-15.30 without that feeling of hunger that makes me difficult to control my intake at midday.

I am training almost everyday but is cardio based, eventhough i have my tonification sessions 2-3 days a week.

Ideas? Thoughts? Would the shake make me feel full avoiding carbs and calories and getting my muscles extra nutrients? I dont want to grow muscles but i dont want to lose them because of the intensive cardio training



  • 01divey
    01divey Posts: 50 Member
    I am currently having breakfast around 7.45, a protein shake around 10.30am, and a decent sized lunch at around 2pm.
    I personally coudlnt go from 7.30am until 12-12.30pm without some sort of food/shake.
    The average two scoop shake consists of around 200-300 calories (depending whether used with water/milk) and delivers around 30g protein, which should be enough to last you 2-3 hours. I just cant personally go longer than about 2-3 hours on just a shake, my stomach starts to grumble and demand some solid food!
    good luck!
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    I am currently having breakfast around 7.45, a protein shake around 10.30am, and a decent sized lunch at around 2pm.
    I personally coudlnt go from 7.30am until 12-12.30pm without some sort of food/shake.
    The average two scoop shake consists of around 200-300 calories (depending whether used with water/milk) and delivers around 30g protein, which should be enough to last you 2-3 hours. I just cant personally go longer than about 2-3 hours on just a shake, my stomach starts to grumble and demand some solid food!
    good luck!

    thank you for your answer... actually i bought "Designer Whey" that gives 18gr protein, 200mg calcium, 2g fat and only 100cal. I hope it works... its one scoop
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    I also use a shake for between meals sometimes. You can do as little or as elaborate as you wish. Mixed with vanilla almond milk or light vanilla silk soy milk is a great way to boost flavor and make it a much thicker and filling shake with only 30-60 additional calories. Will you have a blender to make it? That would allow you greater flexibility, byt adding a 1/2 of a frozen banana to really give it a great consistency and flavor.

    I had always been a solid food person and never liked shakes much but when I started using them this year, it took a week or so for my body to adjust to "drinking" food and now the shake is as filling and long lasting as any solid food, of similar caloric value. Give it a few days to see if you will adjust the same way.
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    I also use a shake for between meals sometimes. You can do as little or as elaborate as you wish. Mixed with vanilla almond milk or light vanilla silk soy milk is a great way to boost flavor and make it a much thicker and filling shake with only 30-60 additional calories. Will you have a blender to make it? That would allow you greater flexibility, byt adding a 1/2 of a frozen banana to really give it a great consistency and flavor.

    I had always been a solid food person and never liked shakes much but when I started using them this year, it took a week or so for my body to adjust to "drinking" food and now the shake is as filling and long lasting as any solid food, of similar caloric value. Give it a few days to see if you will adjust the same way.

    Thank you very much!
  • Tp77
    Tp77 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the post! I sometimes have to go til 3 for lunch with a workout at about 12.30 so have often thought about adding one in mid morning to see me through my workout.
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I make one mid afternoon but it does not fill me up. 1/2 hour later I am hungry. 20 grams of protein in my shake too!