Hey thar!

tytbone Posts: 14 Member
Just introducing myself and telling my story. :) I'm a male university student who enjoys swimming, but also enjoys eating while on the computer, and often that amounts to overeating. :-P But I'm hoping (and believing) that over the summer things can change, and I can go back to school looking and feeling better. (Admittedly, I want to be careful to just "give in" to society's ideas about how I should look, but at the same time I know health is important and if I meet that "special someone" I want to be as attractive to her as she is to me. :] So I'm trying to find that balance in this philosophy ... something like that)

Anyway, in essence, hello!


  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    Hello! If you are lookin for some friends you can add me! Man I used to eat in front of the computer too (actually more like live in front of it). That's pretty awesome that you swim. Good luck on your stay here
  • andysbirde
    andysbirde Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome to FP. I have been using it along with my husband and (also a university student) daughter. We also have friends who participate and its great to have friends to cheer each other on and keep accountable. Make sure you log on at least one thing a day or it resets your number of days. That has been frustrating as I have been logging for months but if I go in after midnight all is started over. I am often away from my computer or I forget. Now I just don't care how many days it says...but it was frustrating.

  • Mockingjay_24
    Hey!! Welcome, this site is awesome =') Good luck!
  • tytbone
    tytbone Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, all!
  • TheNaturalGirl
    Feel free to add me! xoxoxoxo
  • 62lindyjane
    I am brand new to this - please add me