View my Diary!

So this is my first post ever. I started my weight loss journey on March 21, 2012. I'm 27 and have been living in denial since puberty. I stepped on the scale on March 21, 2012 and was shocked, at 5'8, that I weighed 263 lbs!! For the first time in my life I admitted I had a major problem and have since taken this journey very seriously. Today, a month and a half later, I'm down 28 pounds. My only concern is that because I was in complete denial for so long, I have never learned anything about nutrition. I was hoping some of you could view my diary and maybe give me some hints and suggestions. There is no point being skinny if I'm still not healthy.

Much appreciated guys!



  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    You have to click to allow us to view your diary. It should be in the your profile section I think.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    Here's a good place to start:

    Also, your diary is private. Go to My Home->Settings->Diary Settings->Public->Save
  • maia_land
    maia_land Posts: 6
    Whoops, sorry guys, thought I had done that but it was on "Friend's Only". Fixed it now!
  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    I'm no diet expert but I would like to try to give some advice or encouragement. It seems like you had a good dinner on Friday but id you have one sandwich as a lunch and one as a snack? Also two cheeses for breakfast, maybe u can have the cheese with an apple and a Wasa cracker too. To be more well rounded for your breakfast. Just throwing ideas at cha
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just looking at the last couple of days I would say don't be afraid to eat. The allowable of 1700-ish should already be set to help you lose weight so while it doesn't hurt to eat less "starving" yourself won't necessarily help you lose any quicker. Also, beware the processed foods. I see a lot of higher sodium content foods listed. If you don't have a heart issue it shouldn't be a problem but will help retain water more than you may want. Other than that don't worry about going over on protein and fat is ok too just watch for too much. Good luck and congrats so far.
  • maia_land
    maia_land Posts: 6
    Yeah, Friday was a bad day :) I woke up STARVING from a very intense Aquafit session the day before. I have been eating very little grains, as my mom cautioned me to stay away from grains (bread etc), but couldn't help myself when I went into the deli Friday morning.

    For breakfast I usually have two cheese and a fruit cup packed in water (forgot my fruit at home Friday morning), What are Wasa crackers? You just get them from the grocery store?
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I looked at the past 21 days and you are averaging 1297 calories per day. Your lowest day being 823 (4/24) and highest being 2218 (4/21).

    Eat more. Read the link I posted above to educate yourself.
  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    Yeah, Friday was a bad day :) I woke up STARVING from a very intense Aquafit session the day before. I have been eating very little grains, as my mom cautioned me to stay away from grains (bread etc), but couldn't help myself when I went into the deli Friday morning.

    For breakfast I usually have two cheese and a fruit cup packed in water (forgot my fruit at home Friday morning), What are Wasa crackers? You just get them from the grocery store?

    Well I agree staying away from refined sugars and complex carbs but its always good to throw in something that ^ or any healthy whole grain product. And ahh ok got ya. Have you considered taking in heavier calories in the morning as opposed to in the evening. Like working backwards, dinner size, lunch size, and lite breakfast size in regards to what time of day you eat? Forgive me I wasn't able to look through your whole diary its a bit hard on the cell phone. :)
  • maia_land
    maia_land Posts: 6
    Yeah I hear what you're saying. Looking back two months ago, my eating was HORRIBLE (never any breakfast, Kraft Diner, canned pasta's, hardly any veggies) so this whole "eating well" thing is completely new to me. I feel better for it. For one thing, I was have horrible heart burn EVERY day. The DAY I changed my eating habits, I haven't had ANY heartburn. I notice my skin is not as oily and I'm having hardly and acne. I just feel better all around. I know I still have a lot to learn, so again, thanks for the tips and encouragement. It's incredibly helpful!
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    My only suggestion change you diary so you can watch your sodium intake. That is always an area for me that makes a difference on a day to day basis. Sodium intake can cause water retention...combat sodium with a TON of water...That is all :) Good luck to you in your journey :bigsmile:
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    More veggies, a bit less cheese and not the processed kind. I am a cheese lover and eat it just about daily, so I'm not saying don't, but maybe cut back. I know some people say grains are bad...I know of two respected nutritionists in the fitness says postworkout only and the other has no problem with them in moderation. If you love grain products, choose whole grain. Don't cut them out if you love them. Love the ribeye...yeah! Although not a lean protein source, delicious and fine if you aren't eating it daily. And who can afford to, really? Feel free to check out my food sometimes helps to see how others are doing it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If it were me? I'd focus on learning how to eat to nourish your body. More vegetables, more WHOLE grains.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Congrats on getting started to being a much healthier you and losing so much so far. I looked back at a few weeks on your diary and here are some observations.... start tracking more nutrients, such as sodium, if you don't know how to add this, just ask, I didn't know at first we could track other things. Sodium for me is bad, weight wise, if I go over, I gain the next day. It looks like many of your food choices are high in sodium, including cheese. Not to say you should cut out cheese, just cut back a bit and be aware of sodium in it. Are you drinking lots of water? I suggest drinking half your weight in ounces of water daily, it will help flush out toxins and things like sodium as well. Add more fruits and vegies, start with a goal of 4-5 a day and work up to 10-12. No reason to cut our bread and grains.... I have whole grain bread daily, and pasta at least once a week. I also have potatoes 3 times a week and I still lose weight. I do watch my portion sizes carefully and record them. If you don't have a food scale, it is a great investment for your kitchen and really not expensive, less than $20. Possibly the most important thing.... you need to eat more every day. Just for comparison sake.... I am 5'4", mid 40's, weigh about 145 and I eat 1400-1600 calories daily and I lose .5-1 pound a week which is my goal. Since you ate poorly for so long, eating healthy won't happen overnight, make a few changes at a time and work at making them a habit. Try new foods, you may be surprised at what you like. Feel free to look at my diary, I am far from perfect and I have a treat or two a day. Some days, my vegies are in a casserole so you won't see them listed separately as i just add my recipes.