Fed up

I've been working my *kitten* off since February and have only lost 7 lbs because I keep gaining and losing the same freaking 5 lbs all. the. time.

I work out 1.5 hours 6 times a week. Tae Bo, Shed and Shred and 30DS. I mix it up so I'm not doing the same thing every day. I do have the occasional sweet treat but I ever rarely go over my calorie intake. I'm eating three meals a day, plus a snack. Doesn't matter what I do I'm not seeing any results. I don't see it in the pics I've taken, in the way my clothes fit and I'm barely seeing any on the scale.

I used to have an ED 6 years ago and the weight fell off but I gained it all back when I got pregnant with my youngest and ever since then it just keeps creeping on more and more. It's hard to keep my mind focused on losing weight the healthy way when I know I've gotten results doing it the bad way.

I'm not going to just give up and quit but I'm so bloody frustrated with working my *kitten* off for nothing :grumble:


  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I am feeling your frustration. Been stuck for weeks now and I actually went up 4 pounds and I have only gone over once (barely) since I started. I keep telling myself it's water but that is starting not to comfort me anymore. Waiting to see what people respond.
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Just a couple of quick questions -

    1 - Are you also taking and recording measurements in case you are in fact getting changes even though the scale is not showing them?

    2 - Are you measuring and weighing your food portions (not just estimating them)? - most people WAY underestimate their foods.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    How many calories are you getting a day? And what types of foods?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    What calorie goal are you using - lbs/week loss ?
  • Yes, I'm also taking measurements and not seeing anything there either. I FEEL like it's working but when you see no changes on the scale, or in measurements or the way your clothes fit it's discouraging.

    Usually between 1200-1600 a day, 1-2 lbs a week loss. My calorie goal (before exercise) is set to 1400 something. I'm not worried if I don't lose every week, but I just want to see SOMETHING.

    I'm eating salads, fruits, veggies, chicken (I'm not a huge meat lover and won't eat hate fish). I don't eat much bread, if I do it's a slice of toast in the morning. I'm not weighing food but I do go by serving sizes.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I upped my calories by 300/day after not losing for 3 weeks and I'm losing again...
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    Also do you have an actual HRM to measure true calories burned because I know on here the calories are way higher than what I actually burn.
  • chevvy53
    chevvy53 Posts: 35 Member
    cant seem to get a good weight going at mo either it my birthday tomorrow and Im going away ive changed my settings to maintenance over this period maybe it will give me the boost i need, dont give up stay strong its a lifestylechoice for me now if it takes another year to get to where I want to be thats fine Ive done the quick lose and doesnt work. :smile:
  • jmlynch502
    jmlynch502 Posts: 23 Member
    The weight will come off in time. Think of it this way - you're either going to track what you eat and see slow long term progress, or you're going to go back to your old habits and stay the same weight that you are (or worse, GAIN) and I'm guessing you don't like the weight you're at.

    It's frustrating, I know, but instead of asking yourself what's the point in doing this, ask yourself what's the point in quitting. You know you're not going to lose weight eating the way you used to. You've already proven this to yourself. So why not keep trying this? It's not only the weight but it's also about being healthy, so you need to keep that in mind too.

    Don't give up!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I feel your pain. I wish I had advice for you (partially because if I did, it'd mean that I'd been able to overcome the same problem), but good luck.
  • Also do you have an actual HRM to measure true calories burned because I know on here the calories are way higher than what I actually burn.

    The calories burned are crazy on here. I never go by what MFP says I've burned ;) With the exercise my calorie intake usually goes between 2000 and 2200. And no, I don't eat all those calories back but most of them. I eat my meals and snack and that's it. I'm not going to eat when I'm not hungry so I'm usually under those 2000 by 400 or so