FT Student, wife & mom from TX looking for more MFP friends

I'm not new to MFP, but I quit a couple months ago because I was using the system with my BodyMedia FIT armband instead. I had another username then too. Now, I'm about to have a vertical sleeve gastrectomy (or gastric sleeve for short) on 5/14, and I joined MFP again on 5/1 when I started my pre-op diet and so I can better chronicle my gastric sleeve journey. I still use my BodyMedia FIT armband, but I like MFP better for tracking food because of the iPhone app and UPC scanner on it. It's so nice and quick to log things that way. The BMF armband system isn't as user friendly to enter food.

Anyway, I'm almost 37, married, and have 2 daughters (ages 12 & 8). I'm a full-time student, but I'm not going to school this summer, which makes it the perfect time to do surgery too. I'm getting my Associates next week from Austin Community College and I was accepted into the University of Texas - Austin (the main campus of UT) for the upcoming Fall semester. I want to teach high school Spanish. I also work part-time from home as a medical transcriptionist, which I've done since 2007 (sometimes FT & sometimes PT).

I've already gotten some friends here on MFP from verticalsleevetalk.com and from my surgeon's support group. However, I'd always love more friends on here! I love giving support to others! I know it's a long journey no matter what tools you're using to get and stay healthy! Feel free to check out my blog for this journey too - http://mygastricsleevelife.blogspot.com/


  • don666car
    don666car Posts: 167 Member
    hi sound like your busy all the time lol you can friend invite me if you want gastric bypass 6 mths ago 150 lbs gone 100 more to go
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    You can add me if you like.
  • mygastricsleevelife
    hi sound like your busy all the time lol you can friend invite me if you want gastric bypass 6 mths ago 150 lbs gone 100 more to go

    WOW! Congrats on such a great loss after surgery!! That's great you're doing so well! I have about 130 I'd like to lose. I've lost 5 so far on the pre-op diet.
  • schwartz750
    I understand your crazy Schedule; I too am a wife, mother, full time student, and work a full time job. I would love to be able to support you in this journey as we try to drop together!
  • mygastricsleevelife
    I understand your crazy Schedule; I too am a wife, mother, full time student, and work a full time job. I would love to be able to support you in this journey as we try to drop together!

    What are you studying? What do you do for your current job? You must be even busier than I am with going to school FT and working FT!! I find it really hard to work more than 10-15 hours per week when I'm in school. I'll work more this summer since I'm not taking classes, but it sure is hard when school is in session!!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 48. I had biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch last Sept. and have lost 99 lbs. so far, but have another 55 lbs. to lose. I am so glad that I had my surgery and I have to remember that it is only a tool. I have to exercise and watch what I eat so the weight loss continues. I wish you luck on your journey. Feel free to add me.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello. I'm another Texas mom. I'm in the DFW area. I'd love to be friends with you.