Insanity after sickness

Ok so i was on here before asking for personal results from insanity users.. I finally got the lb results i was looking for as i started my fourth week !! How ever , in the begining of my fourth week of the first mnth i became ill and ended up missing two days of the fourth week and the entire recovery week :( .. Today i decided since ive bn feeling better id do saturdays recovery workout and i am seriously worried because i had to stop with 15 min left in the workout because i just coildnt breath! My chest was super tight .. My question is did i lose everything i worked for? Did my stamina go down?? I feel so huge and weak like my first day :(


  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    I think it's more likely that you are not fully recovered from sickness.

    I'd step back a week with the programme though, and that should help you get back up to speed when you are well enough.

    Do something lighter for a week, and recover fully.

    Good luck.
  • jyc1984
    jyc1984 Posts: 8
    I think it's more likely that you are not fully recovered from sickness.

    I'd step back a week with the programme though, and that should help you get back up to speed when you are well enough.

    Do something lighter for a week, and recover fully.

    Good luck.
    Thank you