New Runner... HELP!

I have never ran in my life. In elementary school I was the first one out on the pacer every year, in Jr. High I walked the mile, In highschool I begged my doctor to write a note for me to get me out of running. I always assumed I was just lazy. Now I'm trying to run. I want to run, or at least I want to want to run.

I had a pair of junky shoes and I tried to run. The pain was in the front of my shins and it hurt in ways I cannot explain. Everyone said it was because of my shoes so I stopped running for a bout a month and bought new shoes (Asics Rush33). Today I tried again. After about 30 seconds a sharp pain started in my lower legs. It started in the front, moved to the back and eventually a dull ache in my upper legs. I never was able to run more that 60 seconds at a time.

So are there some people out there who just cannot run, or am I alone in this? Should I keep trying, go slower (i'm just barely jogging now), start with 30 second intervals or what. I want to join the military, so it is VERY important to me that I am able to run. PLEASE HELP!


  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    Holly, it sounds like you need the *right* shoes for you - - when you bought your new shoes, did you go to a running store to have them analyze your step? For example, you might need stability shoes to help support high arches (if you have them) for that high impact exercise. I think a running store would be able to help you with your issue!
    Also, beware of doing too much too soon -- i'd suggest training in intervals of walking and running like the Couch to 5k program suggests...
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I would suggest maybe using a machine, I use a ellipical machine almost 6 days a week and never get sore. It's almost like jogging with your feet never feeling the impact of the ground. Most gyms should have these machines or one similar.
  • HolllyBot
    HolllyBot Posts: 33
    I don't have a running store near me, but I got the shoes that are reccomended for almost all arch types because I didn't know mine, I don't have a running store within 100 miles of me so thats not really an option. And can do ellipitcals fine, I do them often but I want to RUNN!!!!! I'll keep trying. I made it to minute 14 of C25K DAY ONE. I'll just keep on trucking, maybe try the Dr. Scholls foot thing, thats the clossest thing I will get!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    sounds to me like shin splints? i would check your trainers too, but it does sound like shin splints to me. you would need to ice and rest. interval jogging is probably best for you. ive just started the couch to 5k (finishing week 1 tomorrow!)
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    I am a runner and always have been. It sounds like you are getting shin splints. I know that shoes are important but only if your running a considerable amount at a time. I didn't get a good pair of shoes until I signed up for my first marathon. I had been running 5k and 10k before that. I know everyone hypes about the shoes but if you are only running 60 secs at a time and you are having pain it could be a number of things. It could be your stride, your posture etc. When I had pain after upping my miles to 5 and 6 miles I consulted the running store for advice and also did my research online. There are stretches and other exercises you can do to strengthen important muscles needed for running, especially if you have never run before. If you want to be able to run outside maybe start on a treadmill. I have never been able to run on a treadmill so I'm not sure how that really works. I do know that after I had my 3rd son I could only run 30 secs at a time and just built on that. There are some programs out there like couch to 5k and run your butt off. These approach running at a slow pace. Some of them even have you run at a walking pace. Good luck! Once you run without pain it really is fun. Well it is for me. :wink:

    Also, check it has TONS of useful information.
  • bme8956
    bme8956 Posts: 6 Member
    About a year ago I had a problem with this. What you're describing is called a shin splint. Basically, the muscles and tendons in your lower leg are being strained. Untill you train for a while and build up some strength down there it will hurt a bit.


    Some things that helped me:

    - Taping up this area to provide additional support. (youtube videos are available for how to do this)
    - using a neoprene calf sleeve. provides the same support as above and retains heat to keep everything loose.
    - Good shoes is a must.
    - After working out, ice and rest are keys. Ice and elevate the affected area.
    - before working out, warm up a little then stretch the calf and front muscles of your lower leg. (again, there are some pretty good youtube videos)

    try not to overdo it, but you may have to train through the pain a bit. Ibuprofen may help too!

    Good luck!
  • AmandaPandah
    AmandaPandah Posts: 222 Member
    I have shin splints as well. It's dead annoying, but all you can do is wait it out. I'm really sorry. Don't try to push through the pain, it'll only get worse if you do that.
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    Your absolutly not alone im in this exact same boat ive been trying and trying ive gotten new shoes, i tried easing into it with the c25k program, seen doctors too.... my issue is i feel like i have weak ankles like i cannot do high impact anything (running,jumping etc..) it just hurts its actual pain. Slowly ive tried just a light jog on the treadmill if i land soft like a cat it doesnt hurt as much but i do every other minute because even though its light its still hurts. I feel like defeated like im just not ment to be a runner ever, it sucks because i have the motivation and the drive to run my *kitten* off i just cant :cry:
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Something I wanted to add that I read in "Run your butt off" is that humans are natural runners compared to other mammals. We can run distances that no other animal can keep up with. That being said everyone can run!!! You just have the unique opportunity to have it be a bit more challenging. I know that when something is challenging the pay off is waaay more exciting.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I get shin splints really bad when I speed walk or try to jog. I don't have the issue at all on the elliptical. Give that a try. Gives a good workout and it is easier on the joints.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i never used to run, hated it all throughout school.... end of february i joined here, learned about c25k, started on that, borrowed a book about a 10k plan, switched to that and now i run 8k almost every other day (if i dont trip and injure myself, again, that is).

    start slow, you may feel silly, but it does work. c25k starts with 30 seconds running and 90 seconds walking, repeat for 20 minutes. the 10k program i switched to starts with 30 seconds running, 4min30sec walking, repeat for 40 minutes (i may be off on those numbers). point is, you can fashion your own intervals, and as long as you don't increase too rapidly, you'll be good :smile:

    i find music helps keep me motivated, but since i am too lazy to set up a proper playlist, it messes with my pacing (slower songs, fast songs... ) so lately i've just been running with the interval timer on speaker, as well as a timed pace/distance update - that one really motivates me.

    good luck
  • cncersux
    cncersux Posts: 15
    I have been running for years. Currently 3 weeks left of training for a half. Sounds like you have shin splints. I have chronic splints from a bad sprain years ago. Stretching is so important to get you through it. Icing afterward is super important as well. Make sure you stretch the calf muscles which are attached to your shin. Get yourself a foam roller if you can. Use it to "massage" your leg muscles after you run and a couple times a day. Sit on the ground with the roller under your leg (calf) and pull your leg back and forth on the roller. It hurts so much but it gets into the deep calf muscles which are the ones you want to target.

    Good luck...running is AMAZING!:happy:
  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    "So are there some people out there who just cannot run, or am I alone in this? "

    I would say there's no such thing as people that can't run. When you think about it, we run naturally as children. We run to the store, to a friends house, how often were you told by your parents not to run in the house? I think most kids run. Some might not like the organized runs and races of school gym classes but they still run. .

    The trouble now as an adult, is trying to find that natural ability again. It takes time to gain that back. After years of sitting at a desk, couch or whatever else you may have been up to, it's no wonder we have a hard time relearning how to run.

    Take it slowly, follow a program, be patient, eat well, sleep well and you'll be up and running soon enough. Good luck :smile:
  • HolllyBot
    HolllyBot Posts: 33
    I just wanted everyone to know, I am getting there! I just finished week one of C25K. It took me about two weeks to work into week one (and honestly I will prob stay here a few more days) but I have you all to thank. I streched, used me good shoes and took it slow. Thank you guys!
  • ebell75
    ebell75 Posts: 1
    Rule out any medical conditions before doing anymore running. It isn't worth risking a more serious injury if you doctor can help you take care of whatever may be causing this. They may be able to refer you to a Podiatrist too which can help track your landing and what type of shoe would suit you best.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I agree with checking into medical conditions first...

    Also, maybe try stretching...I know if I sleep funny or sit funny before I run (earlier in the day or the night before) then my joints are all funky and the first few minutes are a pain.

    Have you been walking first? Maybe start with that...I started walking a mile, slowly, like 3mph and then once I got used to that then I began jogging and slowly upping my speed. It doesn't work well to go from nothing to running. There has to be some in between.

    Then, the shoes...maybe not a big deal unless you're really running far distances frequently but they can make a difference. If I wear "running" shoes, my left foot hurts. I broke it over 10 years ago but typical running shoes have some time of material that hit right where the bone had snapped and the pressure hurts like hell. So I usually wear like Sketchers athletic shoes or sport shoes...they may not have the running support but they work great for me!
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    I used to suffer from shins splints too...The right shoe helps tremendously. Good luck on your c25k :)
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I just wanted everyone to know, I am getting there! I just finished week one of C25K. It took me about two weeks to work into week one (and honestly I will prob stay here a few more days) but I have you all to thank. I streched, used me good shoes and took it slow. Thank you guys!

    Awesome stuff! This was the program that got me started and honestly, I don't know that I would have stuck to it without it. Take your time, but don't be intimidated by the next level! Hope you come to love running as much as I do!