tredmil or MFP exercise calculator?

if i walk for about 10mins at 4.0 speed my tredmill tells me i burnt 33 cals but the MFP calculator tells me that i burnt almost double like 68 cals.. Which one should i rely on?


  • rohmaansari
    rohmaansari Posts: 24
    anybody knows?
  • dhconsford
    dhconsford Posts: 13
    I use what my treadmill tells me. If I walk outside, I use what MFP has, as I have no way to tell how many I burn. I try to go by how far I walk, and try to keep it at 2 or 3 miles, rather than the speed. Because I know I burn about 400 calories walking 3 miles according to my treadmill. can not remember how many is two miles right off hand. Will have to make a mental note tomorrow after my walk. Hope that helps.
  • Hey guys, my name is Amber. Some o fyu will have seen the thread I posted earlier which got deleted. I just want o let you guys in on a bit of information. I am a loyal and faithful christian to the Lord, and Jesus christ and also an animal lover. This is why I am a vegetabletarian. There is a girl on this site who goes by the name Sophiebee92. Please do not be friends with her. She is a prostitute. Last year my bf made 1 million dollars reviewing and directing pornos. And he says he has seen her in one. Also I am on this site to be honest and respectful so it makes me mad when people lie about their bodies. This girl 100% has fake boobs, I can tell. Plus my dad is one of the top 3 plastic surgeons in the country and he told me. She is also on steriods, that is how she has muscles. I respectfully warn all of you that she has sold these to, please don't take them. Having muscle kills girls.

    Plus what cheerleader and blonde girl like her have you ever seen who is not a complete *****. It is obvious that the only reason she is on this site is to sell her body. Now that is not ok with me. If you want a friend like her just go to the grocery store and by yourself a Barbie doll, its the same thing!!

    Also I want to warn you about some of her other friends too. One of them personally told me in a pm that her family are thieves. Another one called me a ***** and two of them were in pornons with her. Some o fthe most insulting comments were from cannonsky, delco, glamour60xtreme, becca_daniel, grapenutsf to name a few! All because I tried to give a little constructive criticism

    Also I urge you guys to please help me get her banned. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant evening!!
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    Does your treadmill have a function where you can enter in your weight, height, and age?
  • jelezzierose
    jelezzierose Posts: 35 Member
    I invested in a heart rate moniter just for this purpose. I like to really know how hard i am working even though i steer clear of using the excess cals i burn for food. I suggest getting one of these and find out for sure. I found out that while sometimes MFP was closer other times the machine was. Its one of those things that is completely different for each indiviual at different fitness levels.
  • rohmaansari
    rohmaansari Posts: 24
    Does your treadmill have a function where you can enter in your weight, height, and age?

    yeah but just my weight not height or age
  • rohmaansari
    rohmaansari Posts: 24
    I invested in a heart rate moniter just for this purpose. I like to really know how hard i am working even though i steer clear of using the excess cals i burn for food. I suggest getting one of these and find out for sure. I found out that while sometimes MFP was closer other times the machine was. Its one of those things that is completely different for each indiviual at different fitness levels.

    hmm im thinking to buy one of those too
  • rohmaansari
    rohmaansari Posts: 24
    and thank you all of you for replying :-)