Im curious...

leighoconnell Posts: 217
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I hear that while you may be losing weight according to the scale it could take your body a while to show the weightloss because it redistributes itself. Is this true?


  • StacieRoth
    StacieRoth Posts: 14 Member
    I'm not sure how true it is, but I did notice this on my own body. When I lost 30 pounds I didn't really notice a huge change in my body (even though) there was one, but once I hit 50 then 100 and even more 130, I really started to notice MAJOR changes. I don't know if you have that much to loose, but your body takes it's time with "changing" it's look.
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    I agree now that I have it the 50lb mark I see major changes and so do others like fam co workers and friends which is good because Im around them daily at first no one said nothing 10 20 30lbs nothing but now I cant get people to stop talking.....even if the scale doesnt move for me sometimes I still see small changes clothes belts and shirts fits diffrently:happy:
  • I just thought it was really interesting to think about. I'm down 20 and I've noticed a lot of changes and people have commented but not nearly like what I was hoping for, but then again I've only gotta loose 60 lbs. Maybe 30 will be my 50. :) Bodies are weird, I'm lucky though cause I carry my weight evenly distributed so I don't look as heavy as I am, that could be why its harder to see. I'm at 203 and am 5'9" but everyone thinks I'm 160.
  • fallangfit
    fallangfit Posts: 5 Member
    I am also not sure about the "redistribution" but I think that maybe it is more that we don't lose all the weight from 1 place at once and then move on to another spot. I think that maybe it comes of from several spots at once, so while you say you've lost 20 lbs you have to spread that out through your entire body from your face to your feet. 2.5 lbs here, 5 there - maybe it's harder to tell because of that? I don't know - I'm just guessing. Good job on the 20 though! I'm sure you'll see it!

    Oh - and are you comparing pictures from before and now or just looking in the mirror and thinking about how your clothes fit?
  • I am also not sure about the "redistribution" but I think that maybe it is more that we don't lose all the weight from 1 place at once and then move on to another spot. I think that maybe it comes of from several spots at once, so while you say you've lost 20 lbs you have to spread that out through your entire body from your face to your feet. 2.5 lbs here, 5 there - maybe it's harder to tell because of that? I don't know - I'm just guessing. Good job on the 20 though! I'm sure you'll see it!

    Oh - and are you comparing pictures from before and now or just looking in the mirror and thinking about how your clothes fit?

    mirror and clothing. i've gotta safety pin my business pants in order to keep them from falling off me. :laugh: i burned my fat pics...thats a side of me i never wanna see again. im buying a whole new wardrobe for my birthday in october
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    not so much redistributing as losing weight from areas that don't show on the outside. Remember, there's more than one kind of fat, if you had visceral fat (fat around your organs) you won't see much (if any) difference when you lose it, so say you lose 20 lbs, and 14 of it is body fat, great, but the other 6 could be visceral fat or intramuscular fat, neither of which will really show very much in clothing or measurements (maybe a little on measurements with intramuscular, but not a ton). but it's a good thing none-the-less as visceral fat is said to be the worst kind of fat.
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