
amwalton Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey People! Okay, so I am new to MFP.... At first I was excited to find this website to help me in my weight loss but now I am so overwhelmed I have little to NO time to get on here. I am a young parent of 3 Bg's and between taking care of them, taking care of household duties and my fiance' I am exhausted and have no time to really take care of myself, not to mention I'm about to start a new job next week. I would like to lose around 30 lbs. Lets just say I am "bootylicious", which i don't really mind, but i would like to tone my butt and thighs. My stomache is my BIGGEST problem... its pretty flabby and stretched out...Ewww. I just dont know what to do, i mean I hardly have time to eat, let alone fix myself something seperate from what I'm feeding my kids and fiance'. Oh, and I breastfeed, which isn't an option on the lifestyle section so thats not factored in to how many calories I should be consuming. MFP says 1200, but I Know thats too few. I did cut out sweets and soda, all I have been drinking is water and occassionally 2% milk. Anyhow, somebody please help me....


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Why not have them eat what you're eating? If they don't want it, THEY can make something separately. I had no idea that kids even said no to what their parents cook these days, I never did! If I didn't want it, I just plain didn't eat. Also, plan your day in the morning. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and log in what you want to eat, then stick to it. You don't have to be on MFP all the time. Just keep in mind what you were planning to eat. Can no one else help you with your household duties?
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I know how stressed out and hectic life can get (especially with kids!). I've put this off for several years because I was too busy, too tired, too stressed. . . I finally had to just decide that I am useless to my family if I die young, and then I had to just do it!

    I know it's tough, but I was finally able to make it start to happen when my husband agreed to join me. We haven't changed a whole lot of WHAT we eat (I'm sure we'll get to that), we've just started being aware of HOW MUCH we eat. We have discovered that we were eating portions that were too big.

    My kids (5 and 2) have two choices at meals, 1) what we are eating or 2) a PB&J sandwich. (I can throw one of those together in no time flat!) They are doing really well trying out new veggies (we have started adding a variety, and making sure we have them at EVERY meal).

    As for the breastfeeding, you are correct that it's not on here. All the books, my lactation consult, doctor, etc. said to add 500 calories per day when I was doing it with my kids. So a suggestion I read somewhere else on here is to add an exercise called "breastfeeding" and tell the computer that it burns 500 calories per day. Each day when you add that exercise it will add that 500 calories to your total.

    I know it won't be easy, but we are all here for you! Remember, the healthier you are, the better mom and wife/fiance you will be!

    I hope to hear from you again soon!
  • I wish I had more help. I get up in the morning, give my 2 and 4 yr olds their breakfast while I'm feeding my 7 mth old, then I clean them and their messes up, usually do a load of laundry, I do activities with the older two, while also trying to entertain the baby, then there is snack time for the older two, while I'm breastfeeding, more cleaning, running after the kids, then its lunch time I have to get the older ones their food, feed the baby, and prepare 2 lunches for my fiance who doesnt get home until midnight from work, when he leaves I usually put all 3 down for nap, while I also try to get a little rest. They wake up from nap, get a snack while i breastfeed the baby, then they usuall do some other activity or play, whatever.... I cook dinner, feed the kids, give all 3 baths, get them ready for bed, we rad a book or 2 and then the older 2 are in bed by 8:30, but I'm still up with the baby... I dont really know what to eat... I mean i fix them baked chickien and i eat that, but what about when i Fry chicken, or pork chops, or fish? i usually dont even feel like eating, but since i am breastfeeding I know that I have to eat something, so I'll eat an apple, or a bowl of cereal, or a small salad... something tothat nature. I know i'm not eating enough calories...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I don't have a baby, but my little sis and bro are 11 and 17 years younger than I am, so I have seen a lot of baby-care. I think he/she would be fine in the crib for 30 minutes while you pop in a VHS/DVD workout 3 days a week after the other two are in bed.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    If you peal the skin off the fried chicken it should be fine just try to avoid fried wings if at all possible (But since you're breast feeding you might need to eat the fat anyway). I think breast feeding has been added to the database under exercise maybe is about 500 cals in addition to your other 1200. A piece of fried fish is only about 200 cals. You could bake or boil all of your food one day then eat left over with veggies and a salad.

    There is a SAHM thread and they may be able to help you:flowerforyou:
  • Hello I can understand where you are coming from when it comes to no time. I work full time, go to school 11 credit hours, husband and a 1 year old.... What I would do with my baby is put her in her jumpy thing next to me while I would work out. I woiuld try to make her think we were doing it together and she did just great during my work out. I have learned a lot from this web site and I hope that you will too!

    Good luck!
  • Thank you EVERYBODY!!! I really appreciate all of your great advice! I don't really have many friends to talk to about stuff like this, well being such a young mother with 3 kids, I really only have 1 friend, so it is refreshing talking to all of you. Thank you so much....
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Thank you EVERYBODY!!! I really appreciate all of your great advice! I don't really have many friends to talk to about stuff like this, well being such a young mother with 3 kids, I really only have 1 friend, so it is refreshing talking to all of you. Thank you so much....

    I'm your age and I have NO IDEA what I would do with 3 kids. Or even one! :laugh: I am staying in my 'ivory tower' of school...it can still be a challenge fitting everything in since I have to work 7 days a week and am sitting in on a couple classes. It will be more challenging when I actually start my PhD in January, but during my undergrad I worked two jobs and did school full time for a while and still fit in my workouts. Sometimes it requires waking up extra early or being stinky after working out on your lunch break, but who cares? This is something you're doing for YOU, so make that time for YOU.
  • Yes, well.... I start a teaching assistant job at a school for autism next Monday 8-4, so I'll have to get up super early to get the kids ready and then drive 25 mins to work, then I'll have to get home cook dinner and then pick up on my regular evening routine. I know I'm going to be exhausted... I will have to figure it out... UGH... It's much easier to make excuses, but i do have to admit I have pretty good excuses...haha
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I always cook casseroles because you can throw them together and then leave them to bake for 30-45 minutes, and they always have leftovers. Stock up on chicken breast, mixed veggies, and low-sodium/fat cream of celery/chicken/broccoli soups. Add rice and you have a delicious and lean meal!
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