Feel so ashamed of myself

I'm technically new around here (meaning I joined a while back but never actually did anything but now I am determined!) and I need some help and motivation.

I just took all my measurements, my current weight, & my "before" pictures.

I know that technically I am in ok shape though my weight is on the higher end I am a lot of muscle. See I am a dancer and I dance everyday.

I have never really calculated how much time I spend dancing but I think its time to. But basically at the beginning of this semester (and its already the END of the semester) my ballet teacher pulled me aside and told me that I have improved more than any student she has ever had (YAY!) but that she felt that in order for me to progress more (get my jumps higher, not put so much stress on my joints, start partnering) I needed to lose some weight. She stressed the importance of doing it in a healthy manor and said that it was not required for me to stay in her class but that she felt that it would really help me.

I know she's right but I was lazy and kept doing the "tomorrow I'll start" or "next week I'll start". That needs to end now. I just need to do it.

I also have a dance competition in July and the other day I tried on one of our warmup uniforms and it was HORRIBLE. I refused to come out with the shirt on it was so bad. The shorts were fine (bootylicious and all).

I have come to understand that I will never have a ballet body simply because I am not built that way. I am short and curvy and I am ok and I like that. But I am at the point that I am unhealthy and my dancing is suffering so I have to get my butt in gear. I just feel so ashamed and disgusted with myself that I let it get to this point. :(

So any advice? I just needed to get it out there.


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    DO IT!! Don't feel ashamed and disgusted anymore. That's not getting you where you want to be. Start today, start now and just do it. It's never too late. You will feel so much better about yourself and everything else. Good luck! :smile:
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    There's no time like the present! You have excellent reasons for doing it now! Will make you feel so much better about yourself to know you are in control!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Please don't feel ashamed or disgusted. Because then you are defining yourself by what you don't want to be -- and also means you are indulging in self-hatred. Instead focus on the positive -- "I am proud of my dance skills. Now I will improve my nutrition to support my dance goals." "I will take a holistic approach -- my dedication, my nutrition, my outlook, all will bring me closer to where I want to be."

    Where you are today isn't a horrible place -- it is just one step in the journey of your life. What has changed is you have a new goal. Lucky you ! So many people await for an epiphany to change, or wait to 'hit rock bottom' -- but why wait for a life-altering event to propel you into changing? Growing, changing because you want to is terrific, and very life affirming.

    So congratulations on realizing what you want, and for taking the steps to get it!
  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    Don't beat yourself up! You're still an athlete - and athletes come in all shapes and sizes. Just start making small changes - and eventually, all of these positive changes will become habits for you. I wish you the best, girl! Props for being a ballet dancer, too! xo
  • jmillig
    jmillig Posts: 4
    Thank you everyone for all your support. I am sitting down right now and making a list of the meals I am going to have this week (and snacks) because I'm going grocery shopping later today. I'm also planning out my workouts and everything.