help feeling blah

So i was doing really good then i got this bad cold and my routine got messed has been hard to bounce back. I just feel really heavy and bloated and like i want to eat everything thats bad for me like a big greasy cheese burger or something. I dont want to give up but i feel like giving up. I just want all the weight to hurry up and come off. I really could use some motivation guys. My gym is closed today but i am going to make myself go tomorrow.


  • lilcmac22
    lilcmac22 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Froggy- The first step is always the hardest! Don't give up, remind yourself it took a bit for the weight to come on, so it is going to take time to get rid of it. Most importantly, log all of your food and make yourself to exercise. It may take a couple of days, but soon you will be proud of yourself for getting over this hurdle and not giving up! A suggestion would be to plan out your next week specifically for when you are going to exercise and don't let it happen by chance- be intentional about it. Plan how you are going to get to the gym, specifically what exercises you are going to do, what you are going to wear, and think about the people you are probably going to see, ect. It may also help to do this with your meals also.
    When I get a craving for certain foods, it is typically salt or sweet, and I find managable choices for those options, such as 100 calorie snacks or popcorn- something that will help the craving, but not put me over and drink a lot of water!
    Tell yourself giving up is not an option and make a plan!
    I believe you can do it! We are here to help you!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I have a cold too. Not fun. I just had a fattening meal for lunch. It's hard to say "no" to comfort food when you are in need of comfort. Hope you get well soon and back on track! Take it slow starting out, but don't give up! :drinker: