Insanity Progress Help! (with pics)

Okay, so I started Insanity at 160lbs. After the 1st two weeks I went down to 154lbs. I'm on Day 50 today, with only 2 weeks left, and since then my weight has gone up and stayed at 159. Which would be okay if my measurements were moving. My waist has only gone down 1.5in(and this happened in the 1st couple weeks). In the past 2 weeks, none of my measurements have moved, and in 5 weeks only by .5 or so. The thing is, I can see progress in the pictures! Numerically I'm stuck, but visually I'm not? My lowest weight was 143lbs when I was losing weight the 1st time, so I know it's just not my body wanting to stay at 160. I have no idea what's going on and it's extremely frustrating!! Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know why this is happening?

EDIT: The picture is too big, so here's the link:


  • Anybody?
  • darkenedfalling
    darkenedfalling Posts: 26 Member
    have you been eating the food they suggest?
  • caytee118
    caytee118 Posts: 55
    maybe it's muscle or water retention have you been drinking enough water?
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I know you are upset because you want to see more but it looks like lots of progress in those pictures. Are you eating enough?
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    have you tried raising your calories?
  • on average i get about 25 cups of water a day, so i dont think its tht. I also upped my calories at month 2 and i eat back about half of my exercise im pretty sure i eat enough.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Eat more fat =P

    (sorry had to)
  • girlholiday
    girlholiday Posts: 73
    I have no idea what's going on but I can see progressss! You look great!
  • Thanks! But it's just so frustrating not to have numeric progress! Especially measurements! And I've been doing better on my fats!
  • steppran
    steppran Posts: 2
    How tall are you? I'm 5'6" and I wish I looked that good at 160! It seems to be hanging around your waist...maybe try crunches/situps...maybe some core strengthening? It looks like you are making progress though. Good luck!
  • I'm 5'9". It is mostly in my thighs and stomach, but I do a lot of ab work in Insanity!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I am frustrated also! During my first month of Insanity I lost about 3-4 lbs and about 4 inches. I have now finished the second week of month 2 and seem to have gained back about 2 and no measurable loss otherwise. I am not that concerned about a few pounds I just thought I would see amazing results during the second month since I saw results during the first month. Other relevant info... I am 4'11, 115 at a fairly healthy weight with toning to do. I think I am eating about 1500 calories, the program recommends I eat more but I am just eating healthy when I am hungry. I know a HRM would help but it just isn't in the budget right now. Thanks sooo much for any ideas! Have a great day!
  • Exactly! I am getting a hrm in about 3 weeks. At that point should I eat back my exercise calories or not?
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Hmm, since you are stuck, wouldn't hurt to shake things up. Maybe try a week or two of eating back half of your exercise calories. Form looking at it, the calories in your log are probably pretty close to accurate.
  • darkenedfalling
    darkenedfalling Posts: 26 Member
    do you eat what they tell you to eat in the booklet though? 40% carbs 40% protein 20% fat?
  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    WOW! you have amazing results from the pictures I hope to have the same results.

    Dont focus on the scale so much just make sure you are eating enough.

    You look AMAZING!

  • -I do eat back about half of my exercise calories.
    -I'm not really sure if I'm eating that ratio of macros.
    -I weigh 159 and I'm eating about 1600 cals I'm also doing the program as intense as I can.
    I've been doing research, and I'm supposed to be eating around 2000cals a day? does this sound right?? (that would be -500 from eating and then without eating back calories I'd have about -2lbs aweek)
    -And thanks! It's not so much the scale as my measurements!
  • ofthevalley
    ofthevalley Posts: 69
    I can see a big difference in your shape. I think you look great!
  • Well thanks :blushing:
  • I used to work out 12-15 hours a week and watch what I eat but kept putting it on. And yet I have found it easier in the past to loose weight. I just put it down to getting older but some say I dont eat enough but I struggle to eat the amount of calories I am suppose to. I am confused as much as you but tend not to let me get me down now as long as I fit in my clothes and my body changes for the better. Good luck