This is not about weight, but I am worried....

Hello all,

I have a wonderful 7 month old little girl, who is very healthy. I am just a little concerned, because we give her plenty of floor time, but she is not crawling yet, and has a hard time sitting all the way up- she will for about 3 seconds, then slowly comes forward. I am a first time mommy, and i know i shouldn't compare, but my coworker's baby was crawling since 6 months! Should I be concerned? Is there anyhing to help her to start crawling? I just don't want her to be behind. Has anyone else's babies been late bloomers?


  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    My daughter didn't crawl until she was 8-9 months. :noway: Then she crawled like a pro. I always say she ws practicing in her crib for her big moment. :laugh: She started walking like a pro 2 days before her first birthday.

    Is she doing other stuff that's supposidly more advanced for her age? Annabella would figure out all kinds of other stuff she just refused to crawl or walk until it she darn well pleased. lol She's driving us crazy by only talking when she wants right now so we never know if she can talk or if she's just holding out on us.

    If your really worried, I'd take her to see your dr. It's what they're there for, to keep parents reassured and in the loop. :smile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    My niece almost didn't crawl at all. She started crawling maybe a month before she started pulling up and trying to walk. Some babies never really crawl at all. I wouldn't worry too much unless your doctor seems concerned.
  • kdzmom
    kdzmom Posts: 31 Member
    I have kids of my own and used to work in a daycare. We had a little boy at the daycare that never crawled...he rolled everywhere.:laugh: He was walking and running just fine later. My best friends little girls (twins) didn't sit up on their own until they were close to 8 or 9 months. I wouldn't be concerned. Give it time and if you are still concerned, talk to the dr.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Don't compare babies it won't do anything but make you have guilt over what your baby has not accomplished. My son is 4 months and is very very different from my daughter at his age. Your child will learn within time. I was doing the same thing you were oh about a week ago wondering when my son was going to roll over. I went into a room and came back out and he was on his stomach. Needless to say I think babies like the shock factor they keep you guessing and then BAM :noway: they'll suprise you. Enjoy it mama:drinker:
  • sleepl8s
    I was almost 2 years old before I started walking and I currently run 5 miles a day. Each kid is different.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    My baby is only 2 weeks older then my sisters son and mine is crawling, standing and almost walking and he turns 1 tomorrow, but her little man who is 11 1/2 months old just learned to crawl and crawls backwards which is the cutest thing in the world but he is 100% healthy , normal it's just each baby goes through milestones different.. I have a friend who's little man was walking at 8 1/2 months old and was crawling by 5.. i have three kids and that shocked me when i saw this little 8 1/2 month old get up and walk.. every baby is special and different.. just be patient.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    My #1 son son Joseph, now 19, didn't sit til he was 7 months, and didn't crawl til 10 months. #2 son Austin sat up at 5 months and crawled at 7 months.

    The actual ages of these milestones are only AVERAGE. Don't sweat it.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My son did the commando crawl everywhere. He never did a normal crawl...he's in the army reserves now...go figure:laugh:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    She's not crawling? def. not destined for the Marine Corp. Thats a relief. :ohwell:

    jokes aside, probably just a late bloomer.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Yup...Im not a mom but a very involved aunt of 3....I can tell you everything about those little buggers and every single one of them was different. My niece didnt ever crawl, she went straight to 1st newphew didnt even start crawling until close to a year and this 3rd one just turned 1 and does this crawl with one 1 leg up, it's funny...but he crawled pretty early...still isnt walking on his own though.....but do things differently. The one thing i did notice though, I think my niece never crawled cause she was the first baby and basically had everything given to her and the toys were put right in front of her to play, so she never had a need to crawl to get stuff..The third one is constantly getting his toys removed by his older brother and has to crawl and go get them and crawls to be where they are so...he had to do it out of necessity!.......hahaha...
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    Have you ever heard of a bumbo??
    You can get it at target, it helps babies learn to sit up their own. It's like a little pod that can sit up perfectly and there'a a little nob in front that hold them up straight.
    I didn't hear of them until after my daughter learned to sit up and crawl but i've heard rave reviews from everyone who has one!:flowerforyou:
  • leavinglasvegas
    My daughter crawled early, but I know a few babies who didn't crawl and went straight to walking around their first bday.
    You know that saying, "You have to crawl before you can walk." Nope not true!

    I used to compare everything my daughter did to every book about development I could get my hands on. It just made me crazy because she did everything out of order:laugh: Still does! So I let go of the books and my expectations and we are creating our own book.

    Your a first time mom and its good to show concern, perfectly normal. Its great that you reached out for other peoples experiences. Your already a pro at this! Before you know it you will be giving her a pacifier off the floor and letting Dora the Explorer babysit so you can get a nap.:laugh:
  • Demetria
    every child is different and there is a range of normal for developmental milestones. As long as everything else she is doing is normal, I wouldn't worry. If you are still concerned, make an appt with her pediatrician.

  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    My nephew and BFF's lil girl were born less than 8 hours apart (yeah I got real familar with the OB ward :laugh: ) and they are at totally different nephew began crawling at 9 months, but he's now 10 months, and can climb up and down off the couch right by himself! my bff's kid has been crawling since about 7 months, but she still can't pull up on's just all in what they WANT to do I think. I personally wouldn't be too concern about it....there is a girl I go to church with who has twins, and one has been walking since she was about one, they are about 19 months now and the other one is still not walking completely...she bear crawls everywhere she goes! (gonna have great calf and thigh muscles!!) she never crawled on her knees she has always bear crawled, but she can't stand up and walk without falling after a couple steps!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Babycrawling is transportation. They crawl to get somewhere. Does she have anywhere to go? Next time she wants her Casper doll (She does have a Casper doll, doesn't she? If not you should get her one ASAP) - - - anyways,,, next time she wants her Casper doll don't hand it to her. Leave it on the floor some distance away. If she wants it she'll find a way to get there.

    Or don't, whatever. They all do all of their stuff in their own time. She'll crawl when she's ready, or not. It's all good.

    I have a 20 yo daughter and a 19 yo son and an 18 yo vasectomy. None of them crawl at this point... :laugh:
  • leavinglasvegas
    Babycrawling is transportation. They crawl to get somewhere. Does she have anywhere to go? Next time she wants her Casper doll (She does have a Casper doll, doesn't she? If not you should get her one ASAP) - - - anyways,,, next time she wants her Casper doll don't hand it to her. Leave it on the floor some distance away. If she wants it she'll find a way to get there.

    Or don't, whatever. They all do all of their stuff in their own time. She'll crawl when she's ready, or not. It's all good.

    I have a 20 yo daughter and a 19 yo son and an 18 yo vasectomy. None of them crawl at this point... :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I agree with everyone else. As long as she's healthy and continuing to thrive she'll be just fine. She'll crawl when she gets good and ready. My mom used to make comments about things my son used to do or not do and I'd just keep telling myself, "he's probably normal". Now he's a healthy 23 year old. I'm not too sure about the normal part though. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Bella151
    Babycrawling is transportation. They crawl to get somewhere. Does she have anywhere to go? Next time she wants her Casper doll (She does have a Casper doll, doesn't she? If not you should get her one ASAP) - - - anyways,,, next time she wants her Casper doll don't hand it to her. Leave it on the floor some distance away. If she wants it she'll find a way to get there.

    Or don't, whatever. They all do all of their stuff in their own time. She'll crawl when she's ready, or not. It's all good.

    I have a 20 yo daughter and a 19 yo son and an 18 yo vasectomy. None of them crawl at this point... :laugh:

    Lol, that is too funny!! :laugh:
  • Bella151
    Have you ever heard of a bumbo??
    You can get it at target, it helps babies learn to sit up their own. It's like a little pod that can sit up perfectly and there'a a little nob in front that hold them up straight.
    I didn't hear of them until after my daughter learned to sit up and crawl but i've heard rave reviews from everyone who has one!:flowerforyou:

    I have never heard of that, but i will have to check that out, thanks!:happy: