fitness challenge

Kasm296 Posts: 33 Member
I am looking for a challenging "fitness challange" group. Any suggestions??


  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I joined the "move your *kitten*" group for their may challenge. basically, you decide how many miles of exercise you can complete in the month: biking, hiking, walking, jogging, etc. You then post every week to show your mileage, and to give a new total.
  • ashand1216
    ashand1216 Posts: 1
    Hi! Just jumped on the fitness band wagon. I'm just trying to lose a few extra holiday pounds that I haven't gotten around to yet. I enjoy a good run but I'm really looking for some suggestions on new ways and free ways to start the extra push. Anyone got suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  • bray2160
    bray2160 Posts: 12
    Personally, I like P90X more than any other weight loss product because it's convenient. I can use it at my leisure and it's probably one of the only programs that I've actually seen work. I know people who are currently on the system and have lost tons of weight. Their bodies are more defined as well.

    For those of you who may be interested in getting in shape, you can get P90X for $65 at also read the comments in the guestbook section to see that this place is legit.
  • Tank1856
    Tank1856 Posts: 10
    Just sent you a message. Let's Chat!