Diet soda

I usually drink 2 diet Dr. Peppers a day. I've heard many things about diet soda, but I don't like the idea of drinking my calories in a regular soda and I don't drink coffee. I do drink at least 64 ounces of water a day on top of the diet soda. I like the diet soda for the caffeine with no calories.

What do you do for caffeine and what's your opinion about diet soda?


  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I hate the taste of diet soda and I do believe that aspartame and artificial sweeteners are not healthy. I like coffee and have a cup every morning. During the day I like green tea for caffeine.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I am a former diet soda addict and still have it as a treat occasionally. But, I regularly drink black tea and brewed iced tea sweetened with stevia.
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    I usually go for regular Pepsi for caffiene. I don't personally like any artificial sweeteners. Most of them give me massive headaches, which makes me think that they're probably doing nasty things to my body.
  • ChrissyRMiller
    ChrissyRMiller Posts: 42 Member
    I don't drink coffee or tea becasue I'm Mormon, so those are pretty much out for my caffeine fix. I'm starting to lean towards cutting out soda completely. I'm starting nursing school this week and I know I'll need the caffeine to get me though many late night study sessions. (Yes, as a Mormon I can have soda.)
  • choctawbaby
    I don't drink any pop. If you read about the chemicals and especially the artificial sugars, it would really turn you off. I need something every now and then besides water so I buy Zevia, this is a carbonated flavored beverage that I find at Kroger's (I don't know where you live right off hand) but anyway it is made with Stevia which is a natural sugar with no calories and no chemicals. It doesn't taste like a Pepsi but it sure satisfies me especially when I am at a party or something (I don't drink alcohol much at all). Hope this helps!
    Go to and Dr. Mercola will tell you everything you wanted to know why it is so bad to drink soda, especially diet soda. Good luck!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I drink Diet Dr. Pepper, like you. I do think that artificial sweeteners are probably not good for you though proof of that is sketchy yet. I just find it hard to believe that putting an entirely man made chemical into my food is a good idea. That said, I'm addicted to the dang stuff. It is a future goal to stop drinking it, but I'm in the middle of making some pretty massive dietary changes, so I'm going to hold off for a bit. One thing at a time, you know? And, btw... I don't consider stevia a natural sweetener. Yes, it comes from a plant, but the processing changes it quite a bit as I understand. That's just me... gotta do what works for you!
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I thought Mormons can't have any caffeine?
  • choctawbaby
    Sorry, not any caffeine in the Zevia that I just mentioned.
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    until someone shows me real data that diet pop is bad for ya, I say keep drinking it like I am
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I love the taste of diet soda and drink it when I want.
    I usually take caffeine pills for my energy, along with coffee.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't drink coffee or tea becasue I'm Mormon, so those are pretty much out for my caffeine fix. I'm starting to lean towards cutting out soda completely. I'm starting nursing school this week and I know I'll need the caffeine to get me though many late night study sessions. (Yes, as a Mormon I can have soda.)

    Out of curiosity, what is the difference between coffee/tea and soda?
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I doubt one or two per day would do a great deal of serious harm. Sodium is an issue with most carbonated beverages, whether diet or not. There are those who argue that any aspartame is dangerous... Others disagree. I personally drink too many of them.. that is one area of healthy consumption that I still have to ween myself from... I have heard it said that those who drop sodas for a week or so do lose water weight without making other changes (probably due to the sodium)...
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    until someone shows me real data that diet pop is bad for ya, I say keep drinking it like I am

    Yup same here. Have yet to see a peer reviewed study saying so. Usually it is just alarmist blogs people back up their opinion with
  • ChrissyRMiller
    ChrissyRMiller Posts: 42 Member
    I don't drink coffee or tea becasue I'm Mormon, so those are pretty much out for my caffeine fix. I'm starting to lean towards cutting out soda completely. I'm starting nursing school this week and I know I'll need the caffeine to get me though many late night study sessions. (Yes, as a Mormon I can have soda.)

    Out of curiosity, what is the difference between coffee/tea and soda?

    There is a chemical in coffee and tea which stimulates the GI tract. I can't remember the name of it off hand, but it isn't found in soda. Before I became a Mormon I used to drink coffee all the time and it always cause problems with my GI tract. Once I stopped drinking it my body normalized. (I didn't change anything else in my diet at that time)
  • indianlarry11
    indianlarry11 Posts: 32 Member
    I know for me, when I drink too much diet soda (more than 1 a day) I don't lose any weight. I've read a lot of things that say the ingredients mess up your metabolism. While it is hard to say either way, I have never read any fitness books or magazines that say it is good for you or "not bad" for you. They all say it is bad. I stuggle with it because I too love the Diet Dr. Peppers, but I have tried to cut back for health. When I need caffiene, I use the crystal light energy packets that you dump in a bottle of water, or the new Mio energy. Both work pretty well and keep me away from the soda.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    I don't drink coffee or tea becasue I'm Mormon, so those are pretty much out for my caffeine fix. I'm starting to lean towards cutting out soda completely. I'm starting nursing school this week and I know I'll need the caffeine to get me though many late night study sessions. (Yes, as a Mormon I can have soda.)

    Out of curiosity, what is the difference between coffee/tea and soda?

    There is a sort of health guideline we follow called the Word of Wisdom which is where the no coffee or tea comes from. It isn't based on a what is in it.
  • thinkpositive3
    thinkpositive3 Posts: 85 Member
    I love my Diet Coke, but it gives me wicked migraines. I feel much better when I drink unsweetened tea and water. Headaches go away. Also seems to keep the snacking down.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't drink coffee or tea becasue I'm Mormon, so those are pretty much out for my caffeine fix. I'm starting to lean towards cutting out soda completely. I'm starting nursing school this week and I know I'll need the caffeine to get me though many late night study sessions. (Yes, as a Mormon I can have soda.)

    Out of curiosity, what is the difference between coffee/tea and soda?

    There is a chemical in coffee and tea which stimulates the GI tract. I can't remember the name of it off hand, but it isn't found in soda. Before I became a Mormon I used to drink coffee all the time and it always cause problems with my GI tract. Once I stopped drinking it my body normalized. (I didn't change anything else in my diet at that time)
    Interesting. Thanks for the info!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Diet Coke with Splenda, Coffee, tea, caffeine pills. Yep.
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    Well...I drink an occasional diet soda. Not every day, but a couple times a week.....My dad was a diabetic and he got so tired of drinking water and just wanted something with flavor, so he started drinking a LOT of diet soda and got sick.....I asked him to just give up the diet soda for 3 weeks, and to substitute just a little or cranberry or orange juice and then fill the rest of the glass with club soda for fiz...he did and remarkably started doing so much better. He never drank another diet soda the rest of his life. I am not that extreme and will have one occasionally because I love the fizz....but I must say my family does do the juice/club soda combo. That may not cure your caffeine needs, but maybe the energy you get from juice will be enough....maybe it would be best to wean yourself from needing the caffeine.

    Good luck