Not New.. Just fell off the bandwagon...

I was on here a while a go.. and just gave up on myself.. Now with a new outlook on life.. I know I can get through this! I would love to have some friends on here for support.. If anyone from my old account is still on here I would love to reconnect with you too!! I have about 150lbs to lose so its going to be a long journey but it will be worth it at the end! Hope to meet some new friends on the way!


  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Welcome back. Hopefully the 2nd time around treats you better.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Pretty_Mrs
    Pretty_Mrs Posts: 20
    Hey... I seem to have a love/hate relationship with the bandwagon! I've been a member for about 3 weeks. And I'm currently kicking myself because I am only 1 pound under my starting weight after 20 days. So yeah, clearly I've been on and off the wagon. I'm back on now, and plan on sticking around. Heck, today I went over my calories, but instead of resorting to my usual sulk, binge on sugar and chips and vow to restart in a few days, I just plugged in my Wii and burned an hour worth of calories. May not correct the mistake, but it's got to be better than a junk food binge!

    I absolutely love the supportive ppl I've met here on MFP. In fact, THATS what persuaded me to drop my WW membership and just track all my stuff on the MFP app. Welcome back! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I feel the same way! I fell off and now that I started losing weight and thinking more positively my body is changing for the better. You got this, just think positive :). Also, feel free to add me too!
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Second time is always a charm......
    Welcome Back.....

    My goal is to lose 160lbs.. I'm down 50...

    If you need a friend on your journey, feel free to add me.:smile:
  • Trickybird
    Trickybird Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome back!! It's hard to come back, I just try and remember this is a forever change. I am here to change my lifestyle and my thinking and losing weight is the by-product!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    you can add me!

    I am a genious as how to jump off the wagon, just gently enough that no one hears me get off, or back on again LOL I'm the master of jumping on and off the wagon...................

    BUT i did just jump back on again, and decided to make a LOUD ENOUGH RUKUS that I got some folks attention so now my "attendence" on this wagon is being monitored..haha...

    Add me, i'll tie ya down for as long as you dont wiggle out of the knots! :)
  • So far so good! First day done.. One Step at a time!