The Biggest Loser

I Heard about the show but never got a chance to see it from the
First season to now.Thanks To Netflix I am now on season 2 First ep 1.They Lose A Crazy Amount of weight in one week and I was wondering how they did It? and if I can do it to?.To Be Honest This is My First Time Eating Healthy, on a diet and working out so I am unware if this is healthy or not
I used to stay fit in Working out in school and being Active.

So I looked on line and here is one piece of information
I founded.

A doctor on the show said "50% to 60% percent of weight-loss success comes from dietary change.on the show they consume about 1500 calories a day. The other 40 to 50 percent of weight loss comes from the three hours of exercise the contestants do every day an hour of strength training and two hours of cardio. That helps them burn an additional 1200 to 1500 calories and because they are being watched it harder for them to cheat their diet"


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I watch the show every once in a while, it's very motivating HOWEVER I recently bought a trash magazine (People or US or something like that) that went back and interviewed and took pictures of contestants from all different seasons and how hey are now and alot of them gained back weight. Some only gained 10-15 lbs back others gained almost everything back (70-100lbs) because they didn't learn how to lose weight while dealing with life. That is my only issue wih the show.

    I'm not saying it didn't work for anyone, a lot of people did really well. I just think taking it slow, eating right and being active, losing 0.5-1 lb a week is he way to go to make it sustainable for life.
  • chnkytim42
    chnkytim42 Posts: 127 Member
    it's not so healthy, but it can be done, it is a very strict program, and they work out 3 hours a day with trainers, then on top of it, they do a couple hours by themself. they lose the weight so quick because they dont work, or have to care for anybody but them, so its all they do.
  • the90daybody
    Okay, losing weight cannot be done in just a blink of an eye. I can say it also depends on the person’s cooperation with his/her dieticians. Even if there are lot of weight loss programs available, one must not just pick one and go... everybody has their own limitations and unique body components that is different from if a weight-loss treatment is suitable for this body, you cannot just be sure it is suitable with another one, unless you have consulted the doctor... That's my point of view
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it's not so healthy, but it can be done, it is a very strict program, and they work out 3 hours a day with trainers, then on top of it, they do a couple hours by themself. they lose the weight so quick because they dont work, or have to care for anybody but them, so its all they do.

    exactly. there's probably more like 5-6 hours a day of workout they are doing. some of it they work out with the main trainers, other times it's with behind the scenes trainers and some of it all by themselves.

    i think it's not a matter if it's healthy or not, it's whether or not it's sustainable. the main reason why so many of those people gain their weigh back afterwards is that they've lost it too fast and havent really had a chance to confront and conquer any of the psychological reasons that led to their obesity. most still have unhealthy relationships with food (ie freaking out over the possibility of eating 1 reese's cup or using real mayo.
  • the90daybody
    By the way guys have you heard about the Visalus Sciences? Visalus Shakes and Body By Vi?
    I mean anything about Visalus?
  • jesusfreak_04ever
    jesusfreak_04ever Posts: 4 Member
    The work out like 8-10 hours a day the work out all day and then the trainers leave and they have home work which means they woek out even more and they have like no carbs and eat alot of fish and veggies that is what i have gotten form the sho have been watching it from season 1
  • jesusfreak_04ever
    jesusfreak_04ever Posts: 4 Member
    I have my husband is a Body by Vi consultant it wiroks great if you have to the will power to only eat one time a day it is a great product that even brest feeding moms can use. But I no that i could not do it I tryed and I guess it is just one of thoes things what may work for someone else may not work for you :) I think if you have like 1-30 punds to loose it is great but not for a major weight loss my husban lost 18 pounds in two weeks and I lost like 2 so I guess you can try and see :)
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    when they're at the ranch losing weight is their job. that is the only responsibility they have for the time they are there. They also have to deal with alot of loose skin once the show is over and they're back home. I think we would all love to hit our goal weight within a few weeks, But i for one don't have the extra $ for surgery to remove the excess skin that is left over. I'd rather do it the slow, and healthy way. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I read recently about what exactly the contestants do to prepare for the finale....they can't use drugs per se, but they basically stop eating for a week and use diuretics and hours in a sauna to dehydrate themselves as much as possible. Some say they gain back like 15 lbs in the couple days after the finale, just rehydrating and eating food.

    Also, I noticed last season they have stationary bikes in their bedrooms, so they can literally exercise ALL THE TIME.
  • honeygirl0715
    I watch The Biggest Loser religiously but I'm very conscious of the fact that this is not a sensible way to lose weight. My (late) mother was an RN and she used to always say that the only way to lose weight is to eat and exercise. Yes, I said eat. She said so many people don't realize that food is the body's fuel. It's like putting gas in a car. If you don't put gas in it, it won't start. The body is no different. You have to eat a sufficient amount of food to keep your metabolism stoked all day. Crash dieting is not the way to go. And make no mistake The Biggest Loser is a crash diet. Even so, it's still my guilty pleasure. LOL
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    If you can, download the Fat2fit podcast episode about the biggest loser from iTunes. It's very eye opening.
  • finupb
    finupb Posts: 13
    Their weeks aren't normal weeks either. Sometimes it is a couple days that they call a week or it is upwards of 14 days. Also, on the finale last week the host said it was 7 months since she first met them, although the show only airs for 4 and a half... So clearly time is skewed for the sake of television
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Don't forget that reality TV isn't reality. The contestants are on the ranch much longer than the show would have you believe. They don't lose those huge amounts of weight in a week as depicted...sometimes it's three weeks between weigh-ins. Losing big is possible...I've lost over 100 lbs. and still have more to go. My advice - lose it slowly at 1-2 lbs per week, adopt a lifestyle of eating healthy, and move whenever possible.