How often do you weigh yourself


How often do you step on the scales, I only started 5 days ago and am apprehensive about jumping on the scales as I don't want to lose my drive which I'm afraid I will if I haven't lost anything.



  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i usually only weigh myself once a week. only i was naughty and weighed myself last night as i wanted to know if i was below 200lbs and i was... my usual weigh in is monday mornings so weighed myself again and had a further 2 lb off... which goes to show, i will not be naughty again, i will only weigh in monday mornings from now on lol
  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
    Daily... like a psycho. I want to know when I fluctuate. I can't say it's healthy but I can say that I'm never surprised. I don't like the feeling of uncertainty.
  • Cookie_d
    Cookie_d Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, I was thinking of doing it once a week. Wow - well done on your weight loss, can't wait to see my weight going down, down, down...
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    I weigh myself about 3 times a week, mainly to keep myself on track.
  • cindy235
    cindy235 Posts: 8 Member
    I weight in every two weeks
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I weigh myself almost every day. I like to see what effect each day has, but find that sometimes I get frustrated. Every other day at least.
  • mnagle7
    mnagle7 Posts: 1 Member
    I would suggest once a week but ensure you do it on the same day each time and at the same time (your weight can fluctuate throughout the day with water retention and with the obvious addition of the food you have eaten).

    If you have stuck to your intake your almost guaranteed to have lost weight so suggest you leave it two days and jump on! If it's not as much as you think/wanted then don't be disheartened as on other weeks it will exceed your expectations (in fact that often happens at the first weigh in!)
  • Roadkill1959
    Roadkill1959 Posts: 7 Member
    Once a week. Don't drive yourself crazy.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I weigh daily, but I did that before I began this journey also. The key is you can't take your daily weight to heart because you will fluctuate. It's recommended to weigh weekly. All the best to you on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • michebo67
    michebo67 Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh in on a Monday morning, but admit to getting on the scales mid week! If I have lost it does give me the motivation to carry on or if the weight hasn't moved it does make me try harder. Lost 6lbs this week - my first week and had lost 3lbs midweek so it worked for me, although I do realise there will be fluctuations. Good luck x
  • Cookie_d
    Cookie_d Posts: 15 Member
    Great anwers - thank you all... I will leave it a couple of days and then jump on, hopefully it's moved a little bit... This leads me to another question, what do you guys do when you go on holiday with no access to internet, how am I going to survive without mfp?..
  • I check-in once a week (although it'll be twice this week because I'm shifting my weigh in day) but I do have a little sneak peak every couple of days, or every day when I'm getting really excited hahaha. I'm guilty of being obsessed with the scale.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    I still logged and then put it in MFP when I got home. Did better than I thought I would. Thinking of getting an Ipad or a smart phone so I can keep in contact more, but that's in the future.
  • brent4722
    brent4722 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh in daily, at work, on the same scale. I know it's not the best answer but I get motivated by seeing a little gone here and there while keeping in mind that a one pound fluctuation either way is no big deal. I just wanna stay motivated to keep heading in the right direction. I have a goal to lose 80# and that's no easy feat. :smile:
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    I have MFP on my phone, works like a charm. I've just started Jillian's 30 day shred, and have decided not to weigh myself until the end of the month. DO remember to take your measurements, as you will lose cm faster than you lose weight. Good luck.
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    I weigh once every two weeks. That is my offical weigh in and thats what i put up on MFP. However, I will weigh every once in a while to keep myself on track. Don't worry if, when you step up on that scale and you have not lost anything. Just keep at it and you will be fine. Another thing i do is measure myself. Sometimes the weigh is not coming off but the inches are!! I was a little upset this morning to find i had went up .8lbs after two weeks but then i measured myself and found that i had lost a inch from my waist and a 1/2 inch from my hips!! Keep up the good work!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I weigh daily, but I did that before I began this journey also. The key is you can't take your daily weight to heart because you will fluctuate. It's recommended to weigh weekly. All the best to you on your journey! :flowerforyou:

    Same here. I weigh every day, but I don't let it get to me. My weight fluctuates a lot, so I frequently see gains on the scale even when I do everything "right". It's not worth getting upset about, it's just the way it works! As long as there is a downward trend, that's the main thing. I like to see how different combinations of food and exercise, or how much sodium I have, or alcohol, or not being well etc affect the scale. It just appeals to the geek in me! It's also made me realise just how much weight does go up and down, and made me not panic about it.

    A lot of people find they get frustrated with fluctuations, or get obsessed with doing it every day - if that's the case then definitely go for once a week or even less. Some people don't weigh at all and just go by measurements, or how well their clothes fit. Just try not to get hung up on the number. In your first week, you may lose more than you expect (happens a lot due to water weight coming off) or you may not lose. If you've introduced a new exercise programme, you might even gain a bit of water weight, but please, please don't let that discourage you. Weight loss is a long term thing. Just keep at it and you will see results!
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    every day.
  • tdurany777
    tdurany777 Posts: 1
    I try to weigh myself at least once a week. Usually at the same time each week to give me the most accurate weight.
  • adrianfm1977
    adrianfm1977 Posts: 27 Member
    I did a 3 week every day weigh in and found my main lowest day from each week .. i found that wednesdays was always my best lowest every week so now i do it every Wednesday when i get out of bed.. ... early morning is when your bodies metabolic rate is lowest .. and that gives the best reading