
Hey im 24 year old from just outside Glasgow, Scotland. I work for KFC so temptation is there for junk food. I suffer from low self esteem and its hard to get motivated to exercise I was always last at sports at school and my boobs are large the developed early so these things put me off exercise for life. I want to lose weight now because I feel its holding me back from getting the job I want and completing my education. Anyone who had the same problem got any advice or tips on how to get past it. Thanks x


  • Libby0891
    Libby0891 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey Debbsmck87! Don't let anything stand in the way of your success or your education. Your worth as a person is not tied to what you weigh, how you look or anything physical. Seriously. It's hard, but I think it's *so* important to break the tie between how you feel physically and your self worth. You are so worthy.

    Also, don't let your weight, chest size or anything else hold you back. I am also self conscious when exercising, but once I start breaking a sweat, I feel like a bad *kitten* (uh, sort of) and my insecurities go out the window (mostly). I think that for people who get caught up in their heads, it's extra important to be physically active. Remember, our bodies aren't self conscious... only our minds are.

    Chin up! Don't be your own worst enemy! Go after that job you want. Complete your education. Do it all!
  • debbsmck87
    debbsmck87 Posts: 4
    Thank you your right I should just go and do it and start to live my life. X
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Hey im 24 year old from just outside Glasgow, Scotland. I work for KFC so temptation is there for junk food. I suffer from low self esteem and its hard to get motivated to exercise I was always last at sports at school and my boobs are large the developed early so these things put me off exercise for life. I want to lose weight now because I feel its holding me back from getting the job I want and completing my education. Anyone who had the same problem got any advice or tips on how to get past it. Thanks x

    I hated most forms of exercise. I was in the military, and almost didn't get through boot camp because of my inability to run. While I finally did well enough to finish basic training, I never got good at it and never liked it. And yeah, boob bouncing. . . I've NEVER found a bra I liked to minimize that, which doesn't help my aversion to running. I'm also uncoordinated and have a hard time with things that require hand-eye coordination, and group activities annoy me (since I'm a pretty extreme introvert).

    But, I DO like walking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting and sometimes bike riding. They are all things I can do by myself (I did yoga before yoga was cool - mostly from cheesy 70s and 80s books). I grew up in a warm climate where there were always pools around and we weren't far from a body of water, so even without formal swimming instruction, I rather enjoy that.

    And walking - aren't there some great walking & hiking trails in Scotland? Pretend you're a tourist in your own city! For years, especially when I lived in Italy and San Diego, I didn't have a car. I went everywhere on foot with a walkman (this was a long time ago, when portable music players had cassette tapes!)

    And now, I like becoming strong. Nothing makes me feel better about myself at my current weight than upping how much weight I'm lifting.

    Notice there's no boob-bouncing in any of those activities.

    I think the key is to keep looking until you find SOMETHING you like. Maybe it's dancing (which is a fantastic workout). Maybe it's boxing. Maybe it's something else.

    It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it gets you moving!

    So, my advice is to keep looking for something. Everyone can find at least ONE activity to help them keep active without making them extremely uncomfortable.

    Good luck!