Help with Calorie NE

Hiya I'm new to myfitnesspal and i have a few queries

I'm unsure how the NET calories work. When I eat food my calorie intake for the day goes down, but when I exercise my NET calories go up. Should I be getting my NET calories as close to 0 as I can to lose weight. Or should I just eat my 1470 a day calories and anything extra I burn after that is a bonus.

I'm just over 16.5 stone and I want to get down to between 13 stone and 14 stone. I know it wont happen over night. Is there also any advice that I can get to help me


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    MFP is set up so that you get your NET calories to your goal.

    That way you will maintain the same daily deficit regardless of whether you work out or not.
  • jameshubbard37
    jameshubbard37 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you. So NET calories close to 0.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    NET calories is what you want to be eating each day.

    Say MFP gives you 1200 calories
    You exercise and burn off 300
    You are now down to 900 calories.
    Let's say you do not eat back any exercise calories
    You have technically only eaten 900 calories for the day. On top of the 1200 calories MFP telling you to eat there is ALREADY a deficit built in, let's say 500 calories. So if you only eat 900 a day you are eating at a 800 calorie deficit.

    Some say eat back your exercise calories, some say eat some. I say if you ARE hungry it's ok to eat them because no matter what you're still eating at a deficit. But don't force yourself to eat just because you are under. Being under here and there WILL NOT automatically put you into "starvation mode" -- despite all the alarmist hype.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    A side note, if mfp is calculating calories burned, eat 50-75% of them back. Mfp can overestimate for some people.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Thank you. So NET calories close to 0.

    That's not at all what I said. Your goal is 1470. Assuming your burns are correct (MFP calculates high, as psulemon said -- I usually enter only part of what I actually did to compensate for that) -- you should be aiming to get your NET to 1470.
  • jameshubbard37
    jameshubbard37 Posts: 15 Member
    I see. I dont feel hungry during the day. And if i do i will have a banana, apple, Carrots or some other fruit and veg.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You want your NET to be as close to your calorie goal as you can get it. MFP sets you up with a calorie deficit based on your activity level (without exercise), personal info (gender, height, weight) and how many pounds per week you set your goal at. Basically they set it up so you don't have to exercise to lose weight. When you do exercise, your burn calories which makes for an even greater calorie deficit. If this deficit is too high, you risk eating too little which means you're not properly fueling your body or giving it enough nutrients. The intention is that when you exercise, you should plan to eat those calories back.

    There are many opinions, theories and approaches as everyone's different, but this is how the website is set up.