New Member- Excited and Determined!! :)

Hello My Fitness Pal Family!

My name is Antonia and I started my joruney today, May 4th, 2012. I've been passionate about health and wellness for sometime now, but am ready to make a serious change by having accountability and the support of a community. My goal is to reach 145 pounds, but more importatly just be healthy- healthy mind, spirit, and happy life. :)

Living by the three E's- energy, enthusiasm, and efficiency-let's go!!!


  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Good morning!!! SO glad that you joined! I'm rooting for you! And I know you will succeed!!!! :bigsmile:
  • sarafina1612ga
    Good luck to you! I am a returning member as of last night and I'm looking forward to finally making a change :)
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    welcome back and im a total been here for way too long and then went off the bandwagon but had a reset this morning kinda girl :) so i get it...totally.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Great attitude!! :drinker:

    Welcome and good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • ShawnaRaeDunn
    ShawnaRaeDunn Posts: 59 Member
    Glad to have you! Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation! :bigsmile:
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    You've got some amazing goals on your profile! I wish you much success!!!
  • Jmd1970
    Jmd1970 Posts: 13
    Welcome! I am just starting here as well. I signed up in Jan., but didn't do anything with it until a few days ago. My goal is 145 also! The support I have received in just a couple of days has been wonderful. I know you will find the same!
  • NoFear052012
    Thanks for the reply JMD! Congrats on taking the initiative as well:) You weren't kidding-the support here on MFP is amazing. Happy to have you on my list of friends, let's go for that 145!
  • NoFear052012
    Thanks for the note Debbe! Congrats on an amazing 62 pound loss!!!
  • NoFear052012
    Thanks Shawna! Glad to be here; adding you now! :)
  • NoFear052012
    Thanks so much Shannon! I feel that having a positive attitude is half the battle when it comes to weight loss:-)
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    LOvee the attitude and passion!!! Good luck on your journey, we're alll here to support you :)
  • NoFear052012
    Thanks so much Unique! It's because of you that I even started this whole thing LOL. Loving every minute of it, the accountability is great :):):)
  • MamaD7
    MamaD7 Posts: 2
    Hello Everyone!
    I am relatively new here myself, I joined a few weeks ago. I really love this site, a girlfriend and co-worker turned me on to it. I have been reading the message boards tonight looking for some inspiration....found A LOT!! I have been following this on 1200 calories per day, and set a goal for myself to exercise at least 3 times per week. I am a single parent and have a stressful, government job. Needless to say, by the time I get home from work, spend a bit of time with my daughters, do dinner....the last thing on my mind is getting out for a walk. In my first week I lost 9lbs and haven't lost anything since - its been about two weeks. I know as soon as I get out once it will be all I need to continue, but its getting out for that first time that is killer!! I look forward to reading many more posts and getting inspired by everyone!
  • natsky12
    natsky12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ! I just started yesterday! Stil trying to figure everything out but Im catching on! This site is great. I CANT WAIT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!! I was testing the site to see if my calorie goal would change when I changed the settings of sedentary lifestyle to more active and my calories stayed at the same number? If i was less active just in daily stuff wouldn't I requre less caloreies?

    GETTING MARRIED in 4 months and really want to be fit for that day