Not new just looking for new motivation

Ambo00 Posts: 38 Member
Good day all! I'm not new to MFP but I'm looking for new motivation. I just turned 30 in January. I'm currently 208 lbs and I would ideally like to get to 150lbs and who knows, maybe even further. I have to remember its one bite at a time.


  • coachpzizzle
    coachpzizzle Posts: 11 Member
    Wow, I am so right where you are. I will be 30 in November and we weigh the same. I, too, lost quite a bit of weight and felt SOOO great about myself. Now that I've gained some of it back, I am feeling not so great. I need motivation too gal. Let's DO this!
  • steff108
    steff108 Posts: 10
    Looking for the same...I'm 27, on my way to 30 and looking for support to help me on my way to get healthy. Add me if you'd like!! We can motivate eachother.
  • Cindygutie
    Cindygutie Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Ladies, I just turned 30 last month. I started at 218 and now I'm at 164 ( I am 5'8" and trying to get down to 150 as well)... it is definitely a long road and requires dedication every single day. If you have any questions let me know! and feel free to add me.
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 224 Member
    I'll be the oldest so far to post at the ripe old age of 33. My current weight is 205.5, and my goal is to stick with this until my birthday at the end of July. Giving myself 12 weeks to see what I can do. I'll send you a friend request now, and we can keep each other motivated!