Knee Gave Out

zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
So I am doing dumbbell squats and I think I am not going down far enough. So I decide to go down a little further and my knee gives out, it doesn't hurt, just gives out. I think nothing of it. Now when my workout is over my quad is sore.

I think maybe I pulled my quad.



  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Not squats, lunges.
  • slikfish
    slikfish Posts: 9 Member
    When coming up from the bent position, make sure to push up through the heels of your feet. Do them slowly, and really think about your form. This should help minimize your chances for injury.
  • pantherkeith
    pantherkeith Posts: 19 Member
    Sounds like you strained your quad. Keep an eye on it to make sure it's not more serious (i.e. ligament damage), but it should feel better in a few days. You may want to rest it for a full week just to make sure you don't re-tweak it, and keep an eye on your form at the gym. Make sure that your knee does not go over the toes on the leg you are "pushing" with.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks. I will rest it, and have my husband check my form, since I workout at home.
  • mrsred79
    mrsred79 Posts: 79
    I hope you're ok!