First Half Marathon..Help!!!



  • cncersux
    cncersux Posts: 15
    I am 3 weeks to a half and over the years I've played around with different stuff. Once you get your base running down then you can experiment with gels and stuff. I found Triple Threat Power Bars cut up into 8 small pieces work well for me. I take two every 6 km or so with some electrolytes ( I prefer ELOAD). Make sure you have water as well. I found this combo works the best for me and I have energy throughout my run. Your body is being pushed really hard when you are on a long run. You may not notice but you are burning through your electrolyes and you need to replace them...muscle cramps can be a problem if you don't. You also need to refuel on a long run as you are burning through your energy stores and need to repenish or you will "hit the wall".

    I would recommend trying different things. I have some friends who eat mini red potatoes on their runs. I have others who prefer the gels and some who swear by coconut water. I personally gag on gels!

    Good luck and have fun!
  • almccorm
    almccorm Posts: 5
    Bump for later, there is lots of great idea here. I am running my first 1/2 in June.
  • sbarnes1963
    sbarnes1963 Posts: 12
    The good thing is you have a lot of time to train :) Start slow. Don't try to go too far too fast or you will probably end up injured. Once you get into it you just want to do more but hold yourself to your scedule. There are lots of free training schedules out there. Since you have extra time to train, I would highly suggest that you go longer than 13 miles in your longest training run. This will give you the confidence that "you can do this" & you will be much better prepared.

    Best of luck to you!
  • kaatielove
    kaatielove Posts: 113
    The good thing is you have a lot of time to train :) Start slow. Don't try to go too far too fast or you will probably end up injured. Once you get into it you just want to do more but hold yourself to your scedule. There are lots of free training schedules out there. Since you have extra time to train, I would highly suggest that you go longer than 13 miles in your longest training run. This will give you the confidence that "you can do this" & you will be much better prepared.

    Best of luck to you!

    Thank you all! Thinking of running 13 miles is scary enough let alone thinking of running longer lol