Body by Vi - does it work long term?



  • af4caster
    af4caster Posts: 1
    I have been doing the Body by Vi thing for a month now and have dropped 12lbs. I use it for lunch at work. I hate preparing a healthy lunch either the night before, or at 6am before work, so this is easy. And it saves me $5-10 a day at some fast food joint. I only plan on doing it for 90 days, and was wondering what will happen once I stop. Guess I will find out soon enough....
  • nthomas326
    nthomas326 Posts: 5 Member
    It doesn't work for everybody. I started drinking 2 shakes a day with 50 lbs. to lose. I started to gain over the next few months of using this product and I was exercising 4-5 days a week. In the last month I stopped using the shake, I began to lose weight again.
  • carlyhahn
    carlyhahn Posts: 4
    I have been on the Body By Vi Challenge since January 17, 2012 and to date I have lost 61.5 pounds and went from a size 22 to a size 14. I love it. I have not been under 200 pounds in 25 years and I am now 180.5 lbs.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    That is what I wondered. I have tried all of those weight loss shakes and such and yeah I lost weight but when you don't want to take it anymore, your weight just sky rockets higher than it was before. I say eat healthy food and change your eating lifestyle, sure it may take longer but you will be farther ahead in the long run :)

    You are awesome. I love this. Thanks for being smart!!! :-)
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I have family members who swear by Body by Vi. I personally didn't care for them because it was too sweet/rich for my taste. But, in all fairness, I didn't try different recipes to see if I could find one that I did like. I personally use the Advocare chocolate meal replacement shakes for breakfast. There is alot of protein which helps keep me from getting hungry quickly. It is a good solution for me since I sleep till the last minute. :laugh:
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    I (and MANY I know) have used it to lose weight and have continued to maintain. Wonderful shakes!!
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I have been doing the Body by Vi thing for a month now and have dropped 12lbs. I use it for lunch at work. I hate preparing a healthy lunch either the night before, or at 6am before work, so this is easy. And it saves me $5-10 a day at some fast food joint. I only plan on doing it for 90 days, and was wondering what will happen once I stop. Guess I will find out soon enough....

    I would think as long as you stay within your calorie goals you won't gain anything. It's all about calories in and calories burned.
    Good Luck!!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Please be honest here - do these shakes really help with weight loss? I feel like it's hard to get an unbiased response because someone is always selling it!
  • challengeaccepted
    I'm not sure if it works long term but I still want to reply to this thread because I had thought of posting my own.

    A friend of my mom's came to my house today and gave me a sample and explained how this thing works. Basically to lose weight one will replace two meals with one of their shakes. If one mixes Body by vi with just water it will be 90 calories per packet. Let's say one were to replace breakfast and dinner with a shake and have a 500 calorie lunch. That would be 680 calories plus the 3 "around 100 calorie snacks" recommended. That would put one at 980 calories per day.

    She mentioned that once one has reached their goal weight one can do one shake a day to maintain. This means you will be buying Body for Vi for the rest of your life. I don't see this working long term. It's just another low-calorie diet. If I were to replace two meals a day I would do it with juicing vegetables and fruit. I'm pretty sure I'd get all my vitamins and minerals and more then 5g of fiber from that.
  • erlandsonte
    erlandsonte Posts: 1 Member
    I have been going back and forth and back and forth about doing the Body by Vi challenge. BUT I already eat healthy. Why not instead of buying the Vi powder- buy a Whey protein powder and make your own shakes- throw some fruit in there- some spinach- Greek Yogurt- Almond Milk-

    Honestly- do you get enough calories when you do the Body by Vi? If you are working out and buring so many calories you need to have the calories in to keep up your energy/strength :-)

    I keep packets of Tuna in my desk, A spare apple, etc. Nutritious snacks. But I always make time in the mornings before leaving for work to make sure I made my own protein shake, packed lunch, packed my snacks. As my former trainer has told me- plan out your meals so that you are prepared!!!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am going to a challenge meeting tonight to find out about this stuff....
  • czechmary
    czechmary Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I am also using Body by Vi part time. I have a friend who has lost 80 pounds doing it but she also had a lot of weight to lose. She started out the first 90 days doing no exercise, drinking the shake for 2 meals and then eating a "sensible" dinner. For me, it was not enough. I work as a home care nurse and getting up early in the am and having only a drink and again another for lunch didn't cut it for me - not to mention that at the office there are always bowls full of candy and pastries at our weekly meeting.
    I have lost 7 pounds in 9 days and I feel wonderful. I have mostly stopped eating a lot of meat. Eating lots of veggies and still allowing myself an evening cocktail. I am 62 and started walking every morning before I go to work. I walk for 20 - 30 minutes evey day and now I feel like something is missing if I don't do it:) And that's getting out before 6 am. I just love it.
    Back to the Body by Vi thing - it's expensive. $99 for 2 bags that will last you a month or so if u use it for 2 meals a day. I still take a shake with me cuz I never have time to stop to eat. Just mix my shake with almond milk 1/2 cup and 1/2 cup OJ - it taste's fantastic. add a couple of ice cubes and it is really good.
    If you are interested in being friends let me know. Good luck :)
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Love My BBV shakes!! They have become a habit for me, I lost 16 lbs and 9 inches on my first 90 day challenge! I am currently on my second 90 day Challenge, and I am a distributor because I really am a fan of good nutrition as well as a nurse who sees how devastating obesity can be! The BBVi is not meant to be a short term "fix", they encourage you to make long lasting habits! I have lots of customers that continue to drink the shakes just because they are so versatile, yummy, and nutritionally good! And others who LOVE the vitamins and the Omga 3 oils, as well as the Neuro energy drinks! Its all about doing something good for your body!! :heart: BBVi! If anyone wants to promote or order send me a message, or add me as a friend!

    I absolutely do not agree with this. It is just another sales gimmick and someone trying to sell their product. What the heck is wrong with eating healthy food? I find people just don't make the time to cook healthy and become too lazy to create that healthy environment and expect quick fixes.
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    YES check out my Before/After Picture after just 6 weeks. 26 LBS since December 26th.

    Congrats on the loss, which ever way you did it. Myself, i've been making life style changes. Exercise, eating a more healthy diest. I've lost 22 pounds since january. Is that a great number? Not to me because I know it would be more if I didn't cheat, my downfall is pepsi. :). My whole point to this is: you can do it without a shake, but in todays world everyone wants a quick fix, a magic pill. They still want to be able to eat food with little to no nutrional value, do this little program and watch the weight magically fall off. I'm not downing the whole system, or any system for that matter, but why would I want to become a slave to that system?Shakes for the rest of my life? No thank you. I'll eat my veggies, drink my water, play with my kids, and know that every ounce I lose is because of my own hard work.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    This topic comes up frequently...I started my weight loss journey with them, because I was overwhelmed and didn't know where to that I know A LOT more about nutrition I wouldn't suggest them or use them. Do they work to lose weight? Yes. So does master cleanse, lemonade diet, weight watchers, slimfast, etc. Are they the best options for losing weight and KEEPING it off nope...thats why most of us are here...we lost tons of weight with whatever the "hot" trend was and we all ended up back here. Eat whole as minimally processed foods eat less move will work . Make it a lifestyle change.
  • waverunner2
    Body by Vi is a bunch of bull. It is just another scam to come down the pike. Almost everybody wants to lose weight and if you want to go hungry all the time then yes you will lose weight. I wonder how much they had to pay Hulk Hogan to get up there and lie like that. It is just another pyramid sceme to defraud people out of their money.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    LOL why is it that Body by Vi reps always compare the shakes to McDonalds and junk food but never to just good clean eating. My FB page is full of reps who use the same exact line you just did. Is that part of the training?

    What happens down the road if you find out that by giving your kid soy all those years you have caused him irreversible health issues. I'm sorry but that is not a risk I'm willing to take. I would rather give children good healthy organic foods. People aren't obese because of food, they are obese because of eating the wrong foods and not exercising. Why not teach your kids from early on how to eat well and move

    Exactly, I agree.
  • correnebahr
    Body by vi is way cheaper than Monavie. I have been doing monavie for 1 1/2 yrs and that too if you don't watch what you eat, don't drink the drink you will gain all your weight back. I am going to try body by vi since it is cheaper, Monavie is $85.00 for half a month that gets exspensive after awhile.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I think it might be good to try as a way to get nutrients/vitamins. The neighbor just told me she has lost 6 pounds since starting it 3 days ago. How is that even possible? 6 pounds @ 3500 calories per pound = 21,000 calories / 3 days = 7,000 calories burned per day. How is it even possible to burn that many more calories than you consume unless you run a marathon all day?
    The adage, "Eat less than you burn," does not mean eat less than you exercise. It's eat less than your TDEE (exercise is only one component of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Please be honest here - do these shakes really help with weight loss? I feel like it's hard to get an unbiased response because someone is always selling it!

    No they do not. A caloric deficit does that.