Slimfast.... yay or nay?????

I've done it once before but the stuff made me ill for a while, i'm thinking of doing it again and just wanted to know if it worked for anyone????

mucha lovea

S xxxxx


  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I would not rely on a non-sustainable meal replacement as a means to lose weight. Are you willing to use it for the rest of your life?
  • miss_september
    Why would you do it again if it made you ill?
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    It's just not worth it! Drinking homemade smoothies all day would be better! You can add protein (even just a spoonful of peanut butter) and as many fruits and even veggies as you want! Plus that way you know exactly whats in it!

    Slimfast is a definite NAY for me.
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    I'm gonna say no. I've tried it in the past and truth be told you will still be hungry after you drink it. It's really not a sustainable way of life lol
  • watercolormama
    watercolormama Posts: 131 Member
    Real food - the only way to go. You will feel so good when you give your body what it needs. It takes time to learn to eat right (clean), but the benefits and rewards are great. Good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm gonna say no. I've tried it in the past and truth be told you will still be hungry after you drink it. It's really not a sustainable way of life lol

    ^This! I have not tried Sim Fast in years ..... but I was always hungry too soon. Besides, after you lose the weight .... then what? You still have to figure out how to keep ithe weight off.

    Making lifestyle changes "teaches" you how to keep the weight off while you're losing it.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm drinking it now because hubby bought it just trying to help me. When I finish drinking what he bought I'm not going to buy them.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I'm in the middle on this. It's not a sustainable eating lifestyle in my opinion. However, many years ago I was able to lose weight at a consistent pace when I used their meal plan (2 shakes, snacks and "sensible" dinner). On the flip side, I found that I hated to eat once I reached my goal weight, I still wanted to drink my meals. I kept the weight off until I got pregnant, and then all bets were off and here I stand today about 40 lbs heavier than I want to be. But that's a whole different thread entirely. :embarassed:
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I think homemade smoothies are the way to go. I tried Slimfast actually when I first started this.. only lasted about a week :P, I wasn't a fan of the taste/texture, not to mention I also questioned what was in it. Real fruit (and well, 'real food') tastes so much better and is better for you also.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I've done it once before but the stuff made me ill for a while, i'm thinking of doing it again and just wanted to know if it worked for anyone????

    As a measurable source of nutrition, to be logged like any other food item? Sure, if it satisfies you and helps you balance your fat, carbs, and proteins, it can be very helpful.

    As a portable nonperishable food item that is nutritionally superior to many of the choices you might be presented with if you're in an environment where better more wholesome food is unattainable? Absolutely.

    I used to carry things like this and Clif bars when I traveled a lot, and instead of going out for lunch I'd find a quiet spot and enjoy my $2 pre-packaged nutrition rather than the social contest of "who can down the most company-sponsored White Castles!"

    As a sustainable part of your diet for life? Not so much.

    Use it if the benefits outweigh the costs, but consider healthier less-processed ways to get your nutrients in.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Eat real food ... don't waste your money on these "meal substitutes." You can eat a whole lot of healthy food and actually be satisifed for just as many pretty empty calories as you get in a Slim-Fast.
  • execadminasst
    execadminasst Posts: 1 Member
    Nay. I have tried it a couple of times (sucker for punishment) both times gained weight, bloated and was hungry. Had better success doing points with weight watchers. Now down to last 10# and working on learning how to eat good/healthy food.
  • ashlee2012
    ashlee2012 Posts: 34
    I agree with the poster above who pointed out that it is fine to use when you don't have time to prep meals, or you're travelling/on the go, but none of this stuff should ever become a lifestyle choice, a total replacement for real food.

    It may help you "slim fast" and it may have nutrients and vitamins, but all of this processed pre-packaged stuff ends up being bad for your overall health in the end. Stick to fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, real food not stuff manufactured in a plant sprinkled with who knows what.

    It's just as easy to put together healthy food for "on the go" living if you really work at it. I prepare a giant zip lock of salad on Sundays, takes literally 5-10 minutes depending on what all I add, and each day I separate enough for that day's lunch and put it in it's own container. I may spend another 1-2 minutes each day adding stuff that I don't want mixed in with the salad greens all week (cheese, black beans, etc.) but it doesn't take a ton of time. None of my veg goes to waste doing it this way, and I save money in the long run. I pair my salad every single day with a smart ones or healthy choice type of microwave meal- not because they are the most nutritious, but because they are not as bad as the other "quick" options that I have accessible, and I know eating these for 1 meal a day 4-5 times a week is not going to kill me.

    For the other meals, and whenever leftovers allow, I stick to the good stuff. The real food. Now I'm rambling, but I hope that this helps you think about other options!
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    I keep the chocolate and vanilla powder in the house for a quick frozen smoothie shake when I'm in a bind and need to run. I figure some protein/fiber is better than not eating anything at all. I add strawberries or some instant coffee to the vanilla and that is good. I like the chocolate too...but I only like them both as a frozen shake :-) I figure for 200 calories I get a pretty good size shake when I'm in the mood for ice cream....I also take an activia light yogurt to make frozen yogurt smoothies. I add extra fruit to any flavor, ice, a splash of skim milk to get my blender going and usually one packet of splenda and blend it up. Also very yummy
  • PayShi
    PayShi Posts: 55 Member
    I really can't stand the taste of Slimfast. I'm currently using Herbalife shake meal replacements. I will deal with maintaining the weight once I get there even if it means changing to one shake a day instead of two for good health. They are delicious, still very cheap for the mix alone and I'm doing well on it. Herbalife isn't the only good shake meal replacement company. Body by Vi is supposed to be good but for me Herbalife is cheaper, easily obtained, and taste good. If you're really considering doing shakes I recommend you try it. I buy mine off of Amazon so I don't have to deal with any salespeople. I've got a LOT of weight to lose, and these have great nutritional value, and I keep track of my calorie intake daily so I feel like it's okay to do these. Especially since every other diet I've tried hasn't worked. But because it works for me doesn't mean it will for you. So, trial and error. Once you find something that works stick to it and hold fast!
    Good luck!!!!! And feel free to add me if ya have anymore questions.