Mothers Day 5k...I'm nervous

As background info:
I have always been the person to say, "I don't run!" or "Look at this body, not built for running. It's built for sleeping and eating."

My mom and I have been running (I use the term loosely since I usually whine and walk while she jogs in place) a 5k together on the 4th of July since I was 16 (I'm now 23). My mom is so in shape it's inspiring. This gorgeous 51 year old women (not single, happily married ) has crossed the finish line before me ever year and without a bead of sweat.

This year I vowed for something different. I decided that I would be great in 08 (which included a speedy 5k with mom).

I recently have been offered a temporary job on the west coast for the summer, which sadly will prevent me form running this years 5k. Part of me was sad because I would be missing a mother daughter tradition, the other part of me really wanted to leave her in the dust.

I quickly hit the internet to research possibilities for races prior to me leaving for California. I found one that is Mother's Day weekend. So I registered us to run it as part of her gift. (very exciting news)

BUT I feel really nervous. I just don't know if I'm ready yet physically. I can run for 40 minutes straight but I'm so slow. I also only run on a treadmill, never outside. Outside intimidates me because I foresee me sprinting the beginning and dying at the end. I am very nervous...have I mentioned that?

Any words for motivation/ guidance?


  • gonezobean
    gonezobean Posts: 154
    As background info:
    I have always been the person to say, "I don't run!" or "Look at this body, not built for running. It's built for sleeping and eating."

    My mom and I have been running (I use the term loosely since I usually whine and walk while she jogs in place) a 5k together on the 4th of July since I was 16 (I'm now 23). My mom is so in shape it's inspiring. This gorgeous 51 year old women (not single, happily married ) has crossed the finish line before me ever year and without a bead of sweat.

    This year I vowed for something different. I decided that I would be great in 08 (which included a speedy 5k with mom).

    I recently have been offered a temporary job on the west coast for the summer, which sadly will prevent me form running this years 5k. Part of me was sad because I would be missing a mother daughter tradition, the other part of me really wanted to leave her in the dust.

    I quickly hit the internet to research possibilities for races prior to me leaving for California. I found one that is Mother's Day weekend. So I registered us to run it as part of her gift. (very exciting news)

    BUT I feel really nervous. I just don't know if I'm ready yet physically. I can run for 40 minutes straight but I'm so slow. I also only run on a treadmill, never outside. Outside intimidates me because I foresee me sprinting the beginning and dying at the end. I am very nervous...have I mentioned that?

    Any words for motivation/ guidance?
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    First of all, my mom and I have the EXACT same relationship. I don't think you have as much to lose as I do, or are in worse shape, but my mom is in SUCH good shape. We always do the Race for The Cure in the summer.

    My advice would be basic runner's advice...Just start slow and go slow. Go at a pace that you can maintain. If you sprint in the beginning, you'll probably just get EXHAUSTED and get a lot slower finish time because you'll have to stop and walk. (I'm speaking from experience :tongue: ) Just really try to have fun! Look around and enjoy the scenery while you run. Hopefully, it will distract you a little bit from the running part.

    Good luck! And what a great idea for a Mother's Day present!
  • boxergirl2008
    I was nevver much of a runner until last Aug.. A few of my friends go together and said they wanted to do a marathon. The longest I have ever ran is a 13 miles and it took forever.

    My advise is don't let yourself stop. Splurge on a ipod, download your fav songs and go. I still have trouble making myself run but its worth it in the long run.

    And don't be afraid to stop and walk for a second because it may give you that boost to run harder. Don't stop for longer than a min. to walk........

    Spin classes at a gym are great for increasing your speed, they work on your fast twitch muscles. But I still run a 10 min mile, on a good day.
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    I agree with boxer girl. Splurge on an ipod. I run to my daughters music...since it's all top 40 and mostly fast beat...Good Charlotte, Fall-Out Boys, etc. I have a program in there that if I monitor my stride well and strike my left foot with the beat of each song I start nice and easy and build. Then the last 2 songs I sprint to. It truly is a mind set though...I have been running for a few years but I have really built up over the past 2 years to run 5-6 days a week 4-5 miles each day and I still have to talk myself through the first mile so that I don't quit!!! Is that pathetic or what?!?!!? It's true!!
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    If you can run for 40 minutes, you should have the 5K ~ 3.1 miles covered.

    Now you want to go faster?

    Try this... go to a HS 1/4 mile track and sprint the front straight as hard as you can... walk and jog the corners and back straight. Repeat this for 40 minutes.

    Another options is a hill.

    Run up a hill for 30 to 60 seconds. Walk back down the hill for 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat for 40 minutes.

    Both REALLY help my Marines be able to increase their run time VERY quickly. Interval training is awesome for decreasing run and giving your mind the fuel it needs to know what it can do to run faster and give you that last 1/8 of a mile rush!
  • gonezobean
    gonezobean Posts: 154
    We did it!

    32 minutes 3.1 miles

    The best part, Mom needed to walk twice. NOT ME! What an awesome mothers day tradition.
  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275
    We did it!

    32 minutes 3.1 miles

    The best part, Mom needed to walk twice. NOT ME! What an awesome mothers day tradition.

    CONGRATS!!!!!!! Now be proud and celebrate!:drinker: