
I Weigh Less In The Morning Than I Do In Afternoon , Which Is my Actual Weight????


  • cmweber1966
    Your actual weight is in the morning as the day goes on your body gains its normal. Always weigh yourself at the sametime each time and with the same clothes you had on when you started your weight loss. I hope this is helpful.
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    Your body will fluctuate throughout the day and can vary dramatically from day to day depending on a number of factors - One of the most significant may be water retention - often driven by sodium intake (high salt foods, etc) Also there are things like waste product build up, (not trying to be indelicate, just sayin'....)..etc...

    I strongly suggest you simply pick a time of day to weigh your self - I do so first thing in the morning after my shower (I know women who won't do that because they don't like the weight of "damp" hair... Whatever you like) ... and stick to it.

    Also, if your scale is older - weigh yourself a few times in a row and see if you are getting a consistent result... Some scales can be problematic - older spring type may wear over time... If you are comfortable that your scale is giving you a reasonably accurate and consistent result, then I suggest you use the same scale as you track your progress as well.

    I'd also suggest you try to avoid weighing every day - One or twice a week...

    Welcome to the journey with us!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Whatever time of day you weigh yourself will be accurate as long it's under the same conditions each time (same clothing, liquids and foods eaten/drank, etc).

    Most people tend to weigh themselves in the morning as it's the easiest to keep it the same from week to week or month to month (whatever time frame you choose to weigh yourself).

    I weigh in the morning and record only that weight. Sometimes I weigh later in the day to see how different things affect me.

    You will weigh more later in the day (as others have pointed out) because of the things you eat, the clothing you wear, the activites you have done that day) along with the fact that our weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day.