I hate water

Ok I am sure this topic has come up before me, but I really hate water. I can drink it ice cold, but it is hard when I am at a desk all day and barly time to get up for a refill. I can't do crystal lite because the aspartame gives me head aches. Is there some other way I can get my eight glasses in, or should I suck it up and get used to it. I am a Pepsi queen and ocean spray grapefruit juice freak. My husband says the juice is just as bad as the Pepsi. Thoughts?


  • morninglilli
    morninglilli Posts: 194
    Have you tried putting lemon, limes, or cucumbers in your water to give it a little flavor?
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member
    Lemons years ago, I forgot all about that. Thanks for the reminder!!!
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    I used to be the same way. I made myself drink at least four glasses a day for a week then added a few glasses each week. I agree with the poster who suggested adding lemons, limes, cucumbers, even mint. I have some colleagues who use MIO but I don't know if it has aspartame. Now I drink only water and an occasional ice tea b/c I have seen the benefits of how it fills me up, makes me feel and makes my skin look. I hope you find something that works for you. Good luck! :)
  • stephelan
    stephelan Posts: 81
    I put Mio in my water. People will knock on you about the chemicals, I'm sure! But it can't be worse than Pepsi, right?
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I do a splash of juice or something most of the time. I drink tons of water that way.

    I started out doing half and half and eventually kept cutting it with more water and now it's really just a splash. I think by the end of the day it adds up to 1 ounce of juice, which I figure is worth it if it gets me to drink the amount of water my body needs, as opposed to other days when I don't have much at all.

    I like it room temp at work, I don't drink as much if it's too cold.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I hate water too.

    I've opted to suck it up and drink my requirements, though I hate every second of it. Like you I don't do artificial sweeteners for the water.

    I've noticed on the MFP forums some people count their coffee, or tea, etc as 'water.' Me not so much, water is water.

    My dietitian has tried to brow beat me about the fact that 8 glasses is enough, don't sweat it. (Though make sure you keep hydrated for workouts!) She also said that you get plenty of water from natural sources as well, juicy fruits, juicy veggies, etc.

    So sure, drink some of your water, try and do what you can but don't get hung up on thinking water is the only source of proper hydration. It's just an easily accessed source.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member
    I heard about that mio but I am nervous of after taste. Lol
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    MiO has sucralose as a sweetener.

    I use MiO religiously. It's awesome and I drink AT LEAST a dozen 16.9 oz bottles of water per day with it.
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes the Pepsi is horrible and I feel bloated all the time
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Crystal light and archer farms (target) makes packets sweetened with stevia (i'm in the same boat with aspartame!! Can't touch the stuff) they're pretty good. I also will add orange peel, cucumbers, lemon, pieces of ginger, apple slices ect... To my water and it tastes great! Also for plain old water I keep a brita water bottle ($10 at target) at my desk, the water at my office is awful so the filter is great :)
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I too use Mio!!! I would try it out, if you dont like it no biggie!! It's a great way ( imo) to get your water in.
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member

    I like it room temp at work, I don't drink as much if it's too cold.

    Well my office is 90 degrees so it taste like bah water lol
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Funny this topic comes up. At one time, for like 50 years, I just couldn't drink water. I didn't like the taste and it upset my stomach. But when I decided to try and lose weight and get more healthy I started making myself drink water. At first I could only take it when I drank it with meals (good way to start) but over time I have come to drink it all day long.

    I only drink it cold so I keep a 32 ounce cup filled with ice and water and drink from that all day, refilling the ice as needed. I never drink sodas and about the only non-alcoholic drink I have these days besides water is orange juice.
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks everyone, you guys are great, I will try the mio and the lemon and mint sounds different and good.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    USE A STRAW!! I have a 32 oz. water bottle that has a straw built into the lid. To meet the minimum, I have to drink the volume of the bottle twice. I can sit at my computer and read the MFP message board and suck down a bottle in about 15 minutes without thinking much about it. At least not until my bladder alerts me to it.

    But really, just force yourself to drink it and you'll grow to want it. Kind of like how when you don't eat junk food anymore, the thought of putting any of it in your mouth will make your insides churn. No? Just me?
  • 3RMomma
    3RMomma Posts: 55 Member
    I don't really like water either, but I finally go to the point where I can drink about nine 8oz glasses a day during the work week. One of the things that helped was finding the right container, which sounds odd... but I started drinking more when I was using one of those cups with a straw in it. Granted the fact that it was plastic wasn't great, but it got me drinking more water. I also started using peppermint and/or lemon essential oil (just a few drops in 20-30 oz of water).... It adds a little flavor w/o the chemicals...
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member
    Haha kaytie you are direct and to the point I like hat lol. I really need to try at too. Ok new mission tomorrow a straw first!!!
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I'm absolutely in love with the new Mio drink mixes! They don't say they have aspartame in them and i definitely think they are sweeter tasting than crystal light! I love them so much I don't drink water without them unless I'm at the gym! ;) I also use one of those plastic cups with the straws that are all the rave right now! I love my cup! I find that I drink much more when I drink out of a straw!
  • RobsGirl73
    RobsGirl73 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks chastity, I decided to pull up my big girl pants and drink h2o tommorow with a straw