Please help me break the Plateau

Hi all!

Yes I lost about 20 lbs ( 50%) of extra weight that I wanted to shed.
All was going fine untill last 2 months now I am stuck at 155 lb . i just can't loose
anymore. Tried the following :
1. Varied my calorie intake.
2. Changed my exercise days , added a day, started running for 20 mins ( which I could never do before)

God ! Someone please tell me what to do !

NOTE : I am having HYPO THYROID ISM is it because of that ?


Shalini :explode:


  • ♥seoid♥
    Are you on meds for hypothyroidism? If so, I doubt that is the cause. Keep working at it...sometimes it takes a while....hang in there & don't give up.
  • Chickiebabe151
    I read an interesting article on that said you need to take a break from your diet and workout routine when you platue for a few weeks, let your body identify the new weight as it's set weight and then start up again. This doesn't mean eat whatever you want, but stop "trying" so hard. Eat healthy, eat good portion sizes but live a litte. Completly change up your workout routine and even cut back a bit. I actually went throught this last month. I wasn't losing anything and I kind of gave up and right when I did I started losing weight effortlessly. I also know other people who have had the same experience. I have tried to find that article on oprahs website again and can't but I sugest doing some google research in regards to the information I just shared so you can get the more scientific reasoning behind why all this works and how to do it right.
  • shalinik78
    Thanks so much !!!

    I am feeling better and I am thinking of checking my dose and also taking it easy for a few weeks :)

    Thanks a ton for getting back !
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    You might need to adjust your intake to a smaller calorie deficit, like a half pound or less per week. It gets harder to lose as you get closer to the goal.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Have the thyroid checked to see if medication is correct. You may need to drop the calorie intake down if you are taking in more than 1200 calories a day after everything is calculated in. Water intake is critical for washing out the fat from the body so make sure you are getting enough and the sodium level is not too high. If longer than 4 weeks at the same weight then you need to recheck everything from food to exercise to see what you need to change. God Bless, brenda
  • shalinik78
    Thanks a lot :)