14 lbs in over 100 day???

So i have been on MFP for about 110 days. I have currently lost 14 lbs. i know i should be excited about those 14 lbs but i just feel like i should lose more then that. My starting weight was 360lbs and my goal weight is somewhere around 200.

A lot of my issues are due to the fact i cant cook and i'm allergic to seafood but i do go over to my boyfriends house alot where his mom is on WW so all of her meals are healthy.

I guess i just want to know what other people think. Do i just need to try harder or are 14 lbs in 110 days a good thing???


  • Creativeballance
    I personally am not very fond of fish either (I'm allergic to some too), so I've had the same kind of problem.

    I've found that turkey is a good low-carb cure-all type of food.

    Buying a cook book is well worth it. I personally LOVE indian food, and a lot of it is pretty healthy, and it's EASIER to cook than it tastes.

    Easy book to start off with is Step-by-step curry & chilli
    ISBN 978-0681013490

    Not everything is simple, but most things are.

    Oh yeah, try the Rogan Josh (500 cal for a HUGE high protein 2 cup helping!) or Saag (400 cal for 2 cup serving)
    Or Mulligatawny (Indian style chicken soup)...
    ...Ok, i'll stop. But, really. Try it. They're easy to cook.

    I typically substitute lean beef for lamb.
    Most of the recipes are "Toss this stuff into a pot and come back in an hour".
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How many calories are you eating each day?
  • Vanessadk0604
    ya another issue is that i'm VERY picky.
  • Creativeballance
    What is acceptable to your palette?
  • Vanessadk0604
    How many calories are you eating each day?

    I started at 2800ish
    I recently went down to 2580
    and then today (due to me gaining another 1 lb) took it down to 2500
  • Vanessadk0604
    What is acceptable to your palette?

    Not much, i like chicken, turkey is ok, i like beef. Thats it meat wise. I dont really like veggies, corn and peas are about it. i do eat a pretty good amount of fruit. i like all the bad things, pasta, cheese, bread those kind of things
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    How many calories are you eating each day?

    I started at 2800ish
    I recently went down to 2580
    and then today (due to me gaining another 1 lb) took it down to 2500

    What are you doing for exercise and what do you do when you are not exercising (on your feet all day? sitting much?).

    I would initially suggest dropping down to about 2000, roughly.
  • Vanessadk0604
    How many calories are you eating each day?

    I started at 2800ish
    I recently went down to 2580
    and then today (due to me gaining another 1 lb) took it down to 2500

    What are you doing for exercise and what do you do when you are not exercising (on your feet all day? sitting much?).

    I would initially suggest dropping down to about 2000, roughly.

    I usually go AT LEAST twice a week to the gym for at least a hour each, recently i haven't been to lucky due to life. lol but even so i would still go for walks like once a week if not more usually about a half hour.
    I work as a Receptionist so i'm sitting down ALL day but i only work usually 2-3 days a week

    I was thinking of dropping down to 2000 but i dont want to put my body into starvation mode bc its not use to eating that little so i wanted to do it slowly
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    Numbers wise its almost a pound a week. What do you have your weight loss goal on MFP set to? You can choose between .5, 1, 1.5 or 2lbs per week I think. Not supposed to healthily lose more then 2lbs per week but sometimes it happens.

    Are you adding exercise in with your calorie modification? Even walking for a few minutes a day and gradually increasing it to 30 min or more a day will help with the calorie goals and make you feel better too.

    Personally, I am a very very picky eater, always have been. I have been logging my food for almost 2 weeks now and my starting goal "diet" wise is to cut back on the amount of each thing that I am eating and picking things that are a little healthier. My vice is soda and its very hard to keep track of how much soda I am drinking so when I use my phone to put it in to my diary it helps me keep it to just 1 soda instead of refilling the glass. I know soda is one of those things that should be immediately cut out but I really kind of don't want to so for now I am working on cutting back.

    Maybe you could get your boyfriends mom to teach you a few of your favorite recipes that she makes?

    An easy healthy recipe that I make is to take some boneless skinless chicken breasts, sprinkle lemon pepper or another tasty seasoning on them and then stick them in the oven. 350 degrees at least 15 - 20 minutes just keep checking to make sure they aren't pink in the middle and note that time that it took. I flip mine over once just so they don't stick to the pan and cook more evenly but I don't think you have to. The lemon pepper seasoning is calorie free though its got a bit of sodium if you are watching out for that and the chicken is under 200 cals.

    If you buy a package with a few breasts in it and cook them at the same time then you can put each breast in a ziplock bag and then eat them just as a piece of chicken, or on salads (if you eat them), on sandwiches with those little thin buns, or cut them up and wrap them up like a taco. My SO cuts them into pieces and mixes them in with instant brown rice and whatever leftover corn or whatever we have. If you have the money they sell chicken breasts in the lunch meat section. Different flavors and you just cook it for 60sec in microwave and then done for sandwich or salad or whatever.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I was thinking of dropping down to 2000 but i dont want to put my body into starvation mode bc its not use to eating that little so i wanted to do it slowly

    Based on your information I would consider somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 calories. You don't have to worry about "Starvation mode".

    Please read this article by Steve Troutman. I would also encourage you to read the other articles on this page. Steve has great things to say:

  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    What are you eating ... and what is your work out routine... for me I make sure to keep healthy snacks around the house and lots of water that helps a ton with the dieting!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Let me additionally say that you shouldn't be disappointed right now. You've lost about 1lb/week and there's a lot of people that would love to have that.

    I'm simply suggesting that you've got room to increase your rate of loss a bit provided you're not miserable by reducing intake a bit more. 2000 (even 2200ish) should still be plenty of calories provided you're making reasonably good food choices.
  • Vanessadk0604
    Numbers wise its almost a pound a week. What do you have your weight loss goal on MFP set to? You can choose between .5, 1, 1.5 or 2lbs per week I think. Not supposed to healthily lose more then 2lbs per week but sometimes it happens.

    Are you adding exercise in with your calorie modification? Even walking for a few minutes a day and gradually increasing it to 30 min or more a day will help with the calorie goals and make you feel better too.

    Personally, I am a very very picky eater, always have been. I have been logging my food for almost 2 weeks now and my starting goal "diet" wise is to cut back on the amount of each thing that I am eating and picking things that are a little healthier. My vice is soda and its very hard to keep track of how much soda I am drinking so when I use my phone to put it in to my diary it helps me keep it to just 1 soda instead of refilling the glass. I know soda is one of those things that should be immediately cut out but I really kind of don't want to so for now I am working on cutting back.

    Maybe you could get your boyfriends mom to teach you a few of your favorite recipes that she makes?

    An easy healthy recipe that I make is to take some boneless skinless chicken breasts, sprinkle lemon pepper or another tasty seasoning on them and then stick them in the oven. 350 degrees at least 15 - 20 minutes just keep checking to make sure they aren't pink in the middle and note that time that it took. I flip mine over once just so they don't stick to the pan and cook more evenly but I don't think you have to. The lemon pepper seasoning is calorie free though its got a bit of sodium if you are watching out for that and the chicken is under 200 cals.

    If you buy a package with a few breasts in it and cook them at the same time then you can put each breast in a ziplock bag and then eat them just as a piece of chicken, or on salads (if you eat them), on sandwiches with those little thin buns, or cut them up and wrap them up like a taco. My SO cuts them into pieces and mixes them in with instant brown rice and whatever leftover corn or whatever we have. If you have the money they sell chicken breasts in the lunch meat section. Different flavors and you just cook it for 60sec in microwave and then done for sandwich or salad or whatever.

    I do have it set at 1 lb a week but i just seem to gain then lose then gain then lose the gain and gain then lose. its just irritating

    Yes i add whatever i do, even if its only for 10 min i'll add it. I try not to eat my exercise calories unless i need to but i dont make a point to eat them.

    Ya, i cut out pop too. I use drink at least 2 2 liters a day. i cut it out cold turkey and i didnt lose a lb. i havent had pop in over 6-9 months. i cant even stand the taste anymore. i drink 6-14 glasses of water a day

    and i would have her teach me but i dont like left overs and i have no one to cook for :-/ and i dont want to cook for just me

    The chicken idea sounds good but i dont know what kind of seasoning and again i cant cook, i dont like baked chicken, i live in Michigan so grilling is ok like 4 or 5 months outta the year and pan frying is to messy.
    and i dont like brown rice i like white rice of course bc its more calories
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    Have you tried switching to wheat instead of white for your carb intake?
    Also puree vegetables.... like mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, carrots, and broccoli to go in your pasta sauce and such.
    Some things are very easy to cook and if you plan out your meals you can eat healthy and cook minimal amounts.
    Easy things to cook are crock pot chicken, baked chicken, white rice (a rice cooker makes that foolproof just watch your intake amount for it) :)
    You can do it. Just keep it up!
  • Kmdalton2002
    In my opinion, 14 lbs is great! Don't get discouraged, you are doing fine.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Try getting a fry pan... Table spoon olive oil ... chop up mushrooms and onions chop a little garlic and throw it in the pan with chicken breast... add a little of your favorite low cal sauce... 10 mins tops and you are in business! There are veggies out there you would prob like... gotta force your self to be adventurous... My bf HATES green stuff as he calls it but I have been making him try some new things and he is often really surprised! Maybe grilled carrots or zucchini ...

    or try this one... take a giant dark purple egg plant... slice it in 1/2 inch slices... lay on cookie sheet. Cover both sides in salt ... like really cover them in salt!!! little olive oil splashed on top bake 350 for like 20 mins flip add another 10 mins or so they should look a little withered but not totally sunken in. Take them off cookie sheet and wash with water to remove the salt coating... Add a tiny bit of salt and pepper and they have a really hot buttery flavor to them... I know it sounds like a scary recipe for veggie haters but I swear it'll win you over!
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    Sorry most of my post was written before all the replies were made but the picky eating part should still apply. I am not an awesome cook but I am a good cook (its just that most of my things are plain because I don't like weird sauces or anything) so if you want any tips or anything your more then welcome to friend me if you want.

    Oh and when I say picky eater I mean severe picky eater. The only topping on pizza I will eat is pepperoni sometimes bacon depending on where its from, I don't eat hamburgers, I don't eat 95% of condiments. Only ketchup which is what I eat on any kind of chicken fingers or nuggets, no honey mustard etc etc for me. Definitely no mayonnaise yuck! The only Chinese food I eat is General Tsaos and it took me years of trying one bite of my SO's in order to get to like it. The only lunchmeat I will eat is salami even though I will eat "real" turkey or ham like is cooked in the oven. Oh and since I don't like hamburgers any out to eat place is a chicken sandwich and I eat those plain. Chicken and bun!! I do eat BBQ sauce but only on pork or beef or chicken in roast form or cooked on a grill. Yeah and the worst part is no matter how hard I try I can't get my self to stomach eating lettuce so no salad for me :(. I've been trying to eat oatmeal for breakfast and I can't because the texture makes me feel sick, but I can eat oats in granola bars, go figure.
  • Kmdalton2002
    You also mentioned Weight Watchers. Are you aware that some of the "healthy" frozen dinners are aligned with the WW points program? They are also great for getting a full meal while managing your caloric intake. I personally like Healthy Choice and Lean Cruisine. Many of the dinners are really tasty.

    Tomato Pesto by Lean Cruisine is my absolute favorite.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Thats roughly 1 lb a week, which is a very healthy rate of weight loss. Remember, you don't quit and go back to "normal" when the weight is gone, so you want this to be something you can sustain long term.

    Just a suggestion but you might find it helpful, in the long run, to learn to cook. Maybe your bf's mom can teach you; if you ask right she might be very flattered by the request.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    There are some good reciepes going on here. I can't really cook either...I'm 28 but I have the palate (preference) of a 5 year old. If I could, I would live on grilled cheese, fries and chicken nuggest for the rest of my life if I could.