I have 3 months to change, and I need some help.

Hello everyone,

I start my new job in 3 months (long time, I know) it is going to involve hard labor and lots of work ethic. I love working but if I showed up on the job site right now I'd be screwed. I'm a 23 y/o 62" girl who weighs 206.5 lbs at last weigh in. I used to be 160 and bench more than my own weight, but I never could run.

My problem is I need motivation. I didn't post anything in the forums my first week here because I wanted to make sure this was something I could stick with. Sure, I can log in everyday, but I don't see myself sticking to it without some friends.

I'm already off to a rough start. Started biking and strength training then got hit by a virus, but I'm back in the saddle and just rambling on a forum, I guess.

Anyway, not even sure if I posted in the right place, but any sort of tips and tricks, especially on diet would be very, very helpful.

Thanks, guys.


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    You did fine. Bike riding is a great place to start. So this has been working well for me to stay on track. With the help of each other we CAN do this.friend request coming your way.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    stick to your calorie goal. watch portion size..read labels..cut down on your sodium, and drink plenty of water. that is the best diet type advice i can give you..for one because i know it works, and 2 because i'm not extremely strict on my diet. I dont live on rice cakes, and veggies..I just do what i said up there ^^ and it's worked for me.
  • dwtimeoutt
    dwtimeoutt Posts: 107 Member
    You can do this. Friend me if you want my support. The best feeling is looking at the weight you will weigh in 5 weeks and then getting there in 5 weeks. I stick to my calories. I would lose faster if I could exercise as much as you do so you should be able to do this. Just watch the food. Higher fiber the better for you. Hang in there. Look to others to help you out. We are all a team. A fitness team. Denise