New Determined Member!

I joined the site earlier today, and I'm still trying to get used to it. I honestly need friends to encourage me and give tips on exercising and dieting the healthy way. I currently weigh 187 lbs and plan on losing about 73 lbs.
Please send me a request on here!


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    Welcome. You can friend me.
  • jwobbly57
    jwobbly57 Posts: 16
    Early goodmorning - congratulations on finding this website - you will get the hang of it I found it really easy to follow - just remember to fill in your food diary every day - everything you eat log into your diary. If I eat something away from home I just write it down in my handbag diary and pop onto the computer when I get back in.

    I have a lot to lose,I am asthmatic and am regularly on steroids, although recently my GP gave me some strong diretics for fluid retention, and I;ve almost lost the steroid weight gain again!

    I am not a big exerciser, I don't like gyms or exercise DVDs! But I am my partner's carer (he has Parkinsons) so I am always on the go.

    If you want a friend to guide you along the way, then I am one of those.
  • Dillon1841
    Dillon1841 Posts: 5
    Hi! I'm new today too and really want to stick to my goals... I would love a friend to help motivate me!