weightloss fears

Do you have any fears for when you've lost your weight?
Recently I've been plagued with this fear of not liking my face when I lose the weight. I'm used to having very soft features, I've grown to love my face and I'm terrified that I'll lose the weight and be happy with my body, but hate my "new" face.
Any similar situations?


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    The most notable change in someones face usually is a reduction in extra chins and cheekbones becoming slightly more prominent. Not exactly bad, I'd say, but I understand your concern. From what I've seen happening to my own face, I'm very happy with these changes. My concern is that I'll be swimming in my clothes at goal weight :P
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    i have quite prominant cheekbones anyway, when i was 9 1/2 stone last year people said i looked gaunt even though that was within my healthy weight range (8 stone-10 stone), aiming for 9 stone this time and hoping i look ok, i still had loads of bits of my body i was unhappy with at 9 1/2 though my face was very thin. hopefully cos im doing it healthily this time instead of starving myself ill look better =)
  • reybrianne
    reybrianne Posts: 11
    I'm so nervous that my goal weight isn't how I want to look. Like I'll get there but still be unhappy :/
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    I've got two fears, the first is i'm scared i will yoyo and put all the weight back on, i have done this many many times but i've never stuck to a diet for so long or been as successful as i have this time, but i'm still hoarding all my bigger clothes, and i wont get my wedding ring resized just in case.
    The last time i was happy with my body i was 20, still overweight but had a flat stomach and looked ok, 15 years later i weigh less but after having 4 kids and 8 years of being obese my stomach is horrible, you can imagine, saggy, stretchmarks, wrinkly where i have lost weight, it literally makes me sick to look at it. a tummy tuck is out of the question, so got to try and improve it with weight loss and exercise, but i'm scared that i will never get to a point where i can look at it and not be repulsed
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    OP - your face IS beautiful. :)

    Every person is different, of course. I had a friend in college whose body was trim, but her face was actually round and she had chipmunk cheeks.

    On the other hand, I read an interview with Courtney Cox and she was lamenting the fact that in order to have her body the way she wanted, she had to come to terms with an angular face and hollow cheeks.

    It will depend on how you are genetically predisposed to lose/gain weight.
  • HotMessPrincess
    HotMessPrincess Posts: 10 Member
    I can totally relate...sometimes I get this horrible feeling that I look so young (for my age) because the fat is pushing the wrinkles OUT. LOL. I don't want to get to my goal weight and look like a human raisin...but if I do, I've got plenty of clothespins and ponytail holders to pull the skin back.

    I'm sure it's not as bad as we imagine...our food demons are deploying scare tactics to take our focus off our goals. Keep focused and stay on the road.

    One way or another, goal weight here I come! :-)
  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    My fear is just gaining it back.

    Although tbh, if you look at some of the drastic weight loss photos on AOL, some of them don't look as happy as they were when they were heavier. Or they look really haggard.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm so nervous that my goal weight isn't how I want to look. Like I'll get there but still be unhappy :/

    Biggest fear also.
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    Not my face, I am quite looking forward to a more defined jaw line. Although I'm nearly there now as it seems to have dropped off my face. I was initially worried about saggy skin on my belly but it seems to be shrinking back in as I am now. Still very much there but not as saggy as I thought it may look.

    Buying clothes I'm looking forward too but I dread going in my wardrobe right now. Everything is big and I feel like a slob with badly fitting clothes.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I'm worried more about whether the ring I wear on my right ring finger will get too loose as my boyfriend bought it for me for my 21st birthday and it's worth quite a lot of money. I don't want to have to get it resize because I don't know if I'd be able to due to the shape. I'm not entirely sure I would lose weight on my fingers (but my friend has) because they are quite boney already.

    I'm also worried about the fact that I won't be able to afford new clothes if I lose a lot of weight haha. I suppose it will be ok for the dresses I own and t-shirts, its jeans I'm concerned about!! I binned my skinny skinny jeans (the ones I fit into when I was 16 and thin) and I'm kind of regretting it haha, it would have been amazing to get those on again.
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    Oh, I know I'll look weird! I have a freakishly large ribcage.
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I can totally relate...sometimes I get this horrible feeling that I look so young (for my age) because the fat is pushing the wrinkles OUT. LOL. I don't want to get to my goal weight and look like a human raisin


    Same here! I will just have to get used to a wrinkled face/body because I will be 61 next week and my skin isnt as elastic as it used to be. But I will also be healthy and fit which I hope will make up for it.
  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    I fear the loose skin :(
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    I am afraid I will not instantly become that confident, strong independent happy woman...
    and my boobs UU
  • krissers9
    krissers9 Posts: 20 Member
    Not wanting to stop losing and switching to maintain.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I'm afraid this back fat will never go away :sad:
  • blissmanifesto
    I have the loose skin on my belly from being obese and having 2 kids. It used to bother me a lot, but as I've lost weight it just bothers me less as it shrinks. I'm coming to view it as just a normal part of me, and also as a sign of all I have been through.

    I do fear that I won't be happy at my goal weight. . . it's not far away now. But my overall life happiness has increased so much that I am calming down about that.

    And I very much fear I'll gain it back. But I'm working on that one too, building muscle and changing my body composition.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I've found, so far, that the positive stuff FAR outweighs the others. I have always had a very round face which I think helped me look younger...but only because, to me, it looked like I still had a cute, baby fat face.

    I'll take the thinner, more angular face that I have now...even if it means I look closer to my age.

    At 39, I guess I'm going for "stunning" instead of "cute"...LOL! Everyone has to strive for something, right?! :wink:

    Also, imagine your current face on a thinner body...would it be proportional? Would it "fit?"
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    Initially I was afraid of becoming flat chested, which thankfully has not happened :D I am not loving being cold all the time, but I have found a solution that works for me "SPANX" :) Those babies are so tight that they keep me feeling warm and cozy all day, plus they smooth everything out. I also do not like having veiny hands :( I have not found a solution for that :/
    As another poster said, all the positives outweigh the very few negatives.
  • Fathima0712
    Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
    I am afraid that i might not be able to reach my GW..that my body wont be capable of becoming as thin as i want it to be since being fat is kinda hereditary for me!....