I'm making a weekly workout routine, and would like some examples! Please and thankl you.


  • Joannevin
    Joannevin Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I would also like some examples of other peoples workout routines which they might do at home. I am only just starting out so I have recorded the Big Workout Programme on Fitness TV (SKY 282)which I have done sunday and today. I would love to know what type of exercise is best for losing weight and toning up. Sorry to hijack your post!!!
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    bump for later
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

    StrongLifts 5x5

    You Are Your Own Gym

    Convict Conditioning
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    Monday- New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Tuesday- HIIT and yoga (yoga is a daily thing for me, but two days are longer/more intense yoga sessions).
    Wednesday- New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Thursday- Tempo Run
    Friday- New Rules of Lifting/Rest (this alternates each week)
    Saturday- Long Run/Hike
    Sunday- Hot Yoga/Rest (alternates opposite of Friday)

    I allow for a lot of flexibility with my weekend workouts. Sometimes boyfriend and I end up going for a long bike ride or rock climbing or some urban hiking.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    > 5:30 am wake up before rest of family,
    > Eat a small breakfast, have 2 glasses of water with lemon wedge
    > stretch out to get your body ready for your workout
    > workout starting with my step ups 5 min vig steps
    > move into triceps 3 reps of 12-15 with whatever weight works for you
    > go back to step ups 3 mins vig..
    > then move to biceps 3 sets of 12-15
    > go back to steps ups
    > move to legs 3 sets of 12-15
    > then back to step ups
    > after all your workout is done then finnish off with stretches so your body can wind down.

    Basicly iwhat i do is make up a weekly chart for myself to work out to using different body parts that needs work daily this way you dont strain your one part weekly because its not healthy. But this is just a small example and seems to work for me I have lost a total of 32 lbs even though my MFP dont show it, because i joined over half way through..
    I hope this helps you :)
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I recently made a 4-week schedule for myself based off of the various workout videos that i have (30 Day Shred, Killer Buns and Thighs, Insanity, P90X, Turbo Fire). I also do a class on Wednesdays at the gym, and play in a co-ed volleyball league on Sundays, so those are in my schedule.

    My week 3 looks something like this:

    Monday: Turbo Fire: HIIT 30
    Tuesday: 30DS: L2
    Wednesday: CLASS - w/Kate
    Thursday: 30DS: L2
    Friday: Insanity: Pure Cardio
    Saturday: 30DS: L3
    Sunday: REST - Volleyball

    In week 1 and 2 I was doing level 1 and 2 of 30DS, and some of the other videos in there were Killer Buns and Thighs instead of 30DS. So it pretty much works out to alternating cardio and strength each day. After the May long weekend I'll be starting a new rotation with different videos just to keep things fresh!
  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 129 Member
    I'm making a weekly workout routine, and would like some examples! Please and thankl you.

    My routine...

    Sunday / Saturday: Bikram Yoga
    Monday / Wednesday / Friday: 30-45 run / walk & strength training
    Tuesday / Thursday: Bikram Yoga
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    Right now, I do a strength training video (30 minutes to fitness-weights) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, I do 30-45 minutes of cardio on my elliptical, one of the programmed interval settings. I usually take the weekends off. I'd really like to start the New Rules of Lifting for Women but I workout at home and need to get more equipment before I can do that. I have many workout dvds. I like to alternate so I don't get bored. I really like the video I am doing now. I've also had success with 30 day shred. I also like six week six pack (works more than just abs).
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm retired so I don't have a firm schedule, just what I feel like that day, but here's my usual week.
    Everyday I attend at least one Jazzecise class. Other than that I choose one or more of the following each day: weight training, Tai Chi, swimming, walking or Jazzercise "body sculpting". I hope to add Yoga to the mix in the near future.
    I like to really mix it up.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Sometimes I switch the cardio around, but usually something like this:

    Sun- Weight lifting + yoga
    Mon- Light cardio + yoga
    Tue- Yoga
    Wed- Weight lifting + yoga
    Thur- Yoga
    Fri- Circuit/interval training
    Sat- Yoga
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Sunday morning - gym - strength training
    Tuesday evening - walk/run track with running group from gym
    Thursday morning- session with my trainer
    Saturday morning - walk/ run with running group.
    I also try to do a class one morning a week depending on my schedule. When I started I was taking the Masters (seniors) strength and balance class. Now I have switched to TRX classes and love them!

    Havent lost much weight but the inches are definitely coming off :smile:
  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    Depending on your goals regarding weight loss, maintain or bulking up will decide what you want to do.
    Bear in mind that if you do aggressive Cardio or heavy weights or resistance training, then it's a good idea to give your body at least eight hours rest, ideally, one day.
    Also, if the above is also true, you shouldn't do Cardio and Weight Training on the same day.
    You can, say, do some light weight training just prior to aggressive Cardio for Warm up and also in reverse, light Cardio just prior to Heavy Weights for the same reason.
    In the end, find a routine that works into your own schedule. Everyone is different and it'll take a while to get into a good flow.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm making a weekly workout routine, and would like some examples! Please and thankl you.

    Um, really??? How about a little more info? It's impossibly to suggest a routine without knowing, at the very least, your goals.
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
  • Joannevin
    Joannevin Posts: 7 Member
    Well my goals are to lose between 7-14lbs in weight and to tone up my tummy area and hips, legs and arms. There are so many different exercises to do and i'm not quite sure which ones and how often. I am going to start to run 2-3 times per week, need to build it up because i can only manage a couple of mins then walk for minute etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I will be doing these at home not the gym. Thank you.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Eat better to lose weight.
    Lift heavy to look better.
    Cardio for endurance and cardiovascular health (or to help with a poor diet)

    If weight loss is still a goal, it HAS to start in the kitchen. Exercise has no direct impact on weight loss. Clean up your diet, get your total caloric intake in check and balance out your fat/carbs/protein. The be patient. Then be patient some more. Once you get that down, be patient.

    Looking better happens in the weight room. And no, you won't get bulky. Yes, you can lift and still look like Kim Kardashian or Jamie Eason (though it'll take A LOT more work to look like Jamie than Kim), or whoever else you want to look like.

    Cardio is great for endurance and cardiovascular health. It can also have great mental/psychological benefits (endorphins), as can strength training. It can also give you some leeway if your diet isn't where it should be.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    I'm making a weekly workout routine, and would like some examples! Please and thankl you.

    Um, really??? How about a little more info? It's impossibly to suggest a routine without knowing, at the very least, your goals.

    Ok sorry, I just wanted examples so I myself may try to make myself a schedule. But if you'd like to help build it for me or have suggestions.. here's my info

    I'm a 5'4 female, and I weigh 206 pounds :(. I'm basically beginner level on exercising. I've been doing zumba for wii, and I don't think its doing much! I workout at home, I have a baby and no babysitter, I've just started to buy small exercise things such as dumbells. But ill be buying more things. What else? I would like strength training and cardio in my exercise plan.. Sooner or later I will be getting into boxing as well...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm making a weekly workout routine, and would like some examples! Please and thankl you.

    Um, really??? How about a little more info? It's impossibly to suggest a routine without knowing, at the very least, your goals.

    Ok sorry, I just wanted examples so I myself may try to make myself a schedule. But if you'd like to help build it for me or have suggestions.. here's my info

    I'm a 5'4 female, and I weigh 206 pounds :(. I'm basically beginner level on exercising. I've been doing zumba for wii, and I don't think its doing much! I workout at home, I have a baby and no babysitter, I've just started to buy small exercise things such as dumbells. But ill be buying more things. What else? I would like strength training and cardio in my exercise plan.. Sooner or later I will be getting into boxing as well...

    See my previous post. A good diet, a good mix of lifting and cardio is a good starting point for you. Lift heavy (I recommend compound lifts) and whatever cardio you like. 3 days of lifing, 2-3 days of cardio if you have the time, and eat right eat right eat right.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    I'm making a weekly workout routine, and would like some examples! Please and thankl you.

    Um, really??? How about a little more info? It's impossibly to suggest a routine without knowing, at the very least, your goals.

    Ok sorry, I just wanted examples so I myself may try to make myself a schedule. But if you'd like to help build it for me or have suggestions.. here's my info

    I'm a 5'4 female, and I weigh 206 pounds :(. I'm basically beginner level on exercising. I've been doing zumba for wii, and I don't think its doing much! I workout at home, I have a baby and no babysitter, I've just started to buy small exercise things such as dumbells. But ill be buying more things. What else? I would like strength training and cardio in my exercise plan.. Sooner or later I will be getting into boxing as well...

    See my previous post. A good diet, a good mix of lifting and cardio is a good starting point for you. Lift heavy (I recommend compound lifts) and whatever cardio you like. 3 days of lifing, 2-3 days of cardio if you have the time, and eat right eat right eat right.

    Thanks!! Will do!!